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Vault or Base Mod

Tony the Wookie

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Ok, so I am looking to see if anyone has a Vault or Base mod that they are looking for a quest to go with.


I am currently working on a mod, and I have a few quests that will involve going into a mod and getting peices for a water purifier and another quest that involves you going into another base and rescueing a kid that has a genetic modification that makes them immune to radiation, and is being used in experements.


I am capable of makeing this stuff myself, but I have a whole lot of other things I need to be doing from my mod. I am makeing tons of different meshes and everything, includeing a new light plateing armor for a new faction I will put into these quests if everything goes well.



So I was just wondering if there is anyone out there with a My First Vault Mod, or any sort of Base Mod or whatever, that is just sitting there, and you would allow me to use it in my mod for the quests that I need.



I don't have the story for the quests complete yet, because I wanted to know more about the locations I would be working with, but if you want to know more I can post it on here. I am not being secretive about anything in my mod, I just don't usualy post stuff still in the draft stage of things.



If you do offer to help me, I will also give you access to the armors and stuff in my mod as soon as I complete them, as opposed to haveing to wait for the entire mod

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well i did have an enclave tech outpost mod for fallout 3 but scrapped it due to vegatation issuse for some reason sprite versions of trees that only appear in the game and not in the geck. i dont know how they got there and i completley wiped the ground before placing it. its north or northwest of megaton i think. if you think you can fix that problem and a 1 or 2 others so if you want me to put it on the download section i would be happy to oblige.


little info for you.

you have to kill the gaurd at the front door to get the key.

it has a terminal saying all the soldiers names that were posted their and their status.

you could possibly make a quest to find the MIA status soldiers.

theirs a terminal that i made upstairs that youll need to fix as well ive tried to make a joke machine and i was going to make a script for the vault on the floor.

it has a few weapons downstairs and a workbench medical desk and 3 beds up stairs for companion compatability.


but i guess the concepts could be merged with the water purifier peice and the kid with special genetic DNA considering its a tech outpost.


just pm if you want me to post it or reply to this.

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This is what I have so far, copyed from my mod topic


if you want to see the whole topic, it is here





So, the story goes, as you come into town, the mayor tells you of the problems they have been having with the water pump. Since you are from a vault, he figures you would have the ability to go into a vault and retrieve the pieces necessary to fix the purifier. The mayor offers you the small empty farm in town if you complete this quest for him.


So you, wanting the chance to have your very own house, will eagerly take on the quest. So you get the map marker for the new quest and you head out to the vault. Inside the vault you find the remaining forces of the new faction that have stayed behind in order to raid the rest of the technology from the vault. You can talk to them and buy the pieces off of them, or just kill them all and take the pieces you need. But while in the vault you learn from the various computers, holotapes, and talking to the members of the faction of what happened when they first got to the vault. The faction broke in and killed all the people in the vault and raided the place, however, when they though they had killed everyone, in the labs on the basement level of the vault they found the experiments going on. Pretty much every one of them was dead or close to it except one little girl, who was sitting in a cell full or radiation but with no effects whatsoever. The faction took this girl back to their base to experiment on how the people of the vault could genetically modify a human to not be effected by radiation.


So you get your stuff, and information on this faction and the girl they kidnapped, as well as a map marker telling you where she is. You return to the town and get your house, but being the hero you are, you can't just leave this kid captured by this new faction. So off you go again to your new map marker to break into this base and find out what is going on and rescue this kid.


So you can either use speech to get in, sneak in through the tunnel in the back, or just shoot the guard and plow your way inside. You get to rescue the child and get the chance to set up a bomb to blow the base to nothingness. Afterwards if you saved the girl and adopt her as your own daughter.




I was planning on having the new faction be a kind of more advanced raider tribe, more like technology pirates that raid anything of technological value to improve their own power. I wanted to give them some sort of light plate armor, maybe a bit cyber ninja like or something.


As far as the armor goes, I can probably just take the model I have been making for practice, since it has the basic muscle structure made, and making plate armor is simple if you just modify off of those basic muscle shapes. It needs a lot more refinement, but here is what I have so far. It is just a start.



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