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Nifskope texture problem


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i'm exracted the enclave power armor meshes and textures to mess around with. i made a new texture with some decals on it but i don't want to replace the original ones. i want to make a unique looking one for my character. so i loaded the enclavearmor01 nif into nifskope but the option to change the texture doesn't show up. i made a few custom paintings for oblivion so i know where things should be (I think) but the option isn't there. please help!


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Yea it loks just like that until you go to view menu and make sure block list and block details is checked.


Then the block details pane will appear at the bottom make your changes in that area.

You find the little purple flowers under bssshadertextureset. just expand the treeview.

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Just a small note, when you change the file path in the BSShaderTextureSet, make sure it's relative and not system specific as that will cause problems for people with their install in a different folder structure than you - the proper path should be "\textures\whateveryouwant\myawesometexture.dds" rather than "C:\program files\Bethsoft\Fallout3\Data\Textures\etc.dds". :)


Edit: Note, the above is just a general statement in case someone who doesn't know searches and finds this topic. OP may very well be aware of this little "quirk" but it's nice to know if you are a first time texture modder for Fallout 3. ;D

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