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The Little Fairy's Flower Garden


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Recently I was inspired to do something for which I have not felt the desire in perhaps far too long a time: I wrote a poem, and then another. I posted the said poems in one of Dezdimona's threads since it was she and her wonderful series of poems that had inspired me. Since then I've found my thoughts and emotions urging me to write more. Rather than continue to post my works in another thread, I've decided to start my own. I do this out of respect and reverence for Dezdimona, since she is my new friend and I feel kindred sister. My intention is not to compete with or try to upstage her or any other artisans here, but rather to share with you all some of my thoughts and feelings and to extend an invitation to anyone who might wish to do the same.


Most likely I will post here mainly sensual, erotic (tasteful) poems and writings, but I invite all who read this to feel free to add works of their own here, be they erotic or simply beautiful. (No dirty limericks, please.)


(Oh, and if the title of this topic seems odd, blame Fifoo. :biggrin: )

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by Herculine



I am a lost, drifting snowflake helpless in the frigid wind;

She is the inescapable spring sun that permeates me,

Melting my very heart.


I am a blossoming, thirsty young flower,

Untouched by beast nor man;

She is the nurturing morning dew,

Gently caressing my fragile silken petals to awaken me.


I am ripening fruit, swollen with sweet nectar;

She is a frantic hummingbird,

Teasing me as she fleetingly suckles at my succulent blooms.


We are mischievous butterflies,

Playing in a meadow of sun-kissed flowers,

Fluttering about one another, pursuing one another,

Though we do not touch.


We are curious kittens,

Wrestling in the cool grass,

Pawing at each other,

Scratching, biting, licking,

Mindful only of the pleasures of the moment.


I am the fabled moth,

Knowing the end which awaits me,

Yet unable to turn myself away

From her warm, seductive flame

As she beckons me to sublime doom.


I am a trembling rabbit,

Cornered by a starving wolf;

My flesh will be her feast;

Yet I tremble not with fear but anticipation,

Knowing I have no choice but to be devoured.


I am a fly caught in the web

Of the merciless widow;

I have struggled to no avail

And accept my fate as the fulfillment of her desire.


She is a placid, glittering lake;

I am a tumultuous waterfall,

Unable to steer my course from

Rushing into her embrace

To be absorbed by her,

To become as one with her.


I am a falling raindrop, falling so fast;

She is the engorged sky that for now has released me,

We each knowing she will one day reclaim me.


I am a shard of ice glittering in the silver moonlight,

In the cold waiting to once more

Feel the warmth of the sunrise,

Mindful of how it will transform me

Yet fearing it not,

For I know we are both part of the natural order.

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... another fairy's "miracle"...


(Oh, and if the title of this topic seems odd, blame Fifoo. :biggrin: )

... (Lol)... don't hesitate, you're all warmly welcome. :whistling:

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... another fairy's "miracle"...


(Oh, and if the title of this topic seems odd, blame Fifoo. :biggrin: )

... (Lol)... don't hesitate, you're all warmly welcome. :whistling:


Pointing the finger of blame was merely in jest, my friend. Actually, I am flattered by your view of me.


Thank you for believing in me.

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The City

Beat Poetry by Quetzl "Cool" Tanango


The City swallows them in the morning and regurgitates them again in the evening.

Seawater, ebbing in and out of a gray scar. Beaches are created, but so are whales beached.

Like some aging porn starlet's calloused *censored*, it has taken and taken. It can no longer feel, and is unaware.

The habit that comes with repetition and the memory of sensation are indistinguishable from actual feeling.

The Robots enter the black box and exit unchanged.

Even the dullest of the machines will question the purpose of the process that changes nothing.

The sharpest will conclude that the purpose is to keep things the same.

Vibrance and Violence, rainbows and shades of brown, are different sides of a two-headed coin.

The City eats its children, then mourns its weight gain and lack of company.



Best read out loud after smoking 10 cigarettes. While playing bongos. Naked. And high.

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(Oh, and if the title of this topic seems odd, blame Fifoo. :biggrin: )

... (Lol)... don't hesitate, you're all warmly welcome. :whistling:


Pointing the finger of blame was merely in jest, my friend.

... don't worry about it, little Fairy, I know it was in jest because you are full of good intentions, and I love the title, but if anyone really wants to blame me (for fun), please don't make it here nor in any member page, feel free to use an other topic intended for it untill you fall into the trolling den, and buddah's old fart will capture your lost soul for sure (Lol), thanks buddah.


So, let the poems be welcome in the "Little Fairy's Flower Garden"... :happy:

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A l'instant même...


A l'instant même où, à la fontaine, je l'ai rencontrée,

La cascade autour d'elle s'est figée.


A l'instant même où nos regards se sont croisés,

Les oiseaux se sont arrêtés de chanter.


Et le Temps lui-même s'est arrêté un court moment,

Afin que, le coeur battant, je puisse vivre dans l'instant...




Just when...


Just when near the fountain I've meet her,

The cascade around stay frozen in place.


Just when our eyes met upset together,

The birds have stopped to sing in place.


And the Time itself has stopped a wee,

So my heart could beat to seize the day...





... a (humble) comment I made for a picture of Sinbloods' character "Celia Azilis", he's a French artist and the first friend I met here on Nexus. I've tried to translate to the best I can, I'm a French native, please forgive me. The theme here is about the french word "instant" (point in time), and sometimes, rythm, words and structure are not the same when translated - my bad...

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