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The Little Fairy's Flower Garden


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Your Ode is simply marvelous, Little Fairy, I am smitten by your writing style, and the way you depict the waiting of true love is beautiful, thanks for making us dreaming... :happy:
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(The following bit of prose is dedicated to dezdimona and Lady Azura.)



Skeletons in my closet,

Bones all rattling about,

If the door is open

They'll all come tumbling out


To reveal my deepest secrets

And expose my shameful sins,

But I have to let them out

For my soul's healing to begin.


In my heart I kept my secrets

So safely locked away

For the ones I had before revealed

Still often cause dismay.


But courage I find

In welcome friends so new

Who know how I am feeling

Since they have felt it too.


So my closet I am cleaning,

Gathering all the bones

And grinding them to nothing

With new-found mighty stones.


Thank you my new sisters,

Both wise and oh so kind,

For giving me some courage

To put my past behind.

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Thank you, Little Fairy, your garden is an outstanding one... and flowers are growing near the sun.


Thanks. You should come and sit in my garden more often. I'm certain you must have a quill and some parchment...

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