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Lost Unit of USA-a Mod idea


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After a few hours of thinking I came up with a very cool mod idea, hope you like it.








In 2274 they arrived in Point Lookout. They set up shop and started killing off the Swampfolk, they have never had trouble with them, always quick and easy kills. Three years later, supplies stopped coming. Renforcements, food, water...gone. Then it happened. The swampfolk,who had always been easy targets, started slaugtering patrols. Eventually, they reach the base. A distress call is sent out. Are you going respond to these people. The people that have slaugered thousands, captured many others....and killed your father. The Enclave... But,maybe, just maybe, there is someone out in the swamps that more of a threat. Someone that is a known enemy of you, the Enclave, everyone....looks like you will need to learn chinese.


Main plot


After reciving a distress call, you have a choice, kill the Enclave survivors, or join the in a fight against an enemy as old as Fallout it self. Along the way you unravel a plot to wip out the americans interly and gain access to top secret Enclave tech that has never been seen before, such as orbital strike laserguider, Railcannon,Bomber Veribirds, and more.


Hope you like the Idea and thanks for reading

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