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Point Lookout travel crash


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Hello there,


I'm kind of stuck in point lookout right now, every time I try to travel back to Capital Wasteland the game crashes.

I have few mods that modify Point lookout but I've tried disabling them and it doesn't help.

Has anyone else encountered this problem or knows what I should do?


Thank You

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I really don't prefer that method because then all of the stuff I have in the boats footlocker disappears, also the Radio Stations from Capital Wasteland won't appear in the Pip-boy.

Well, maybe I don't really have a choice here. But I wasn't talking about fast travelling, every time I activate the passenger cot in the boat to return to DC the loading screen appears the it goes black and the game crashes

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Thank you for you answer but the problem has seemed to solve itself. All I had to do was to fire my companions, grab all my stuff from the footlocker and I also took the lump of brain from the engine room (probably had nothing to do with this but still.) and no more travel crashing.


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