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Old Character Designs

Harabec Weathers

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I constructed my Deviant Art profile a while ago and as promised I finally got some of my artwork up lol.

Took me long enough right, I figurerd I'd better get around to it before I leave for boot camp.

I have primarily submitted character designs I did, creature designs too. Only a few too, its sort of time consuming and I never have a lot of time to spare.


But anyways, Ill provide a link to my deviant art profile. Many of the drawings are going on 3 or 4 years old lol.


Also, theres a few that are unfinished peices, and will remain unfinshed until my hand is done healing. I fractured my hand about a week ago and cannot use it fully until the bone is done healing itself. So probably like 4 to 6 weeks.


Ill upload more artwork to my deviant profile soon I promise :)


Link is

HERE- My Deviant Art Profile


Enjoy :)


EDIT: Only two drawing are in my gallery on deviant art at the monent. The others are in the "scrapbook" section.

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