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Scribe Robe Retexture Request


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Hello there.


Im terribad with graphics design, so am hoping one of you talented buggers can throw together something for me. Im after a modified Scribe Robe both for a character I plan to play and as a resource for a modest set of quests Im planning to put together in order to educate myself in the more technical aspects of modmaking for FO3. The two basic alterations Im after are; a general and slight "tightening" of the neck and inclusion within it of a dog-collar, and the replacement of the three "rings" detail on the front of the belt with a rusty metal cross(large enough to fill most of the available space and quite chunky if possible). A recolour to black primary and dark grey on the secondary(ie, lower sleeves and inner robe visible at the feet), and a darker leather for the belt(belt secondaries can be left alone as metallic) would also be excellent.


The subsequent request is pure fantasy and not in any way necessary, but would be nice if it's possible; addition of some armour plating to the robe. Im not making this a part of the main request because I can't see a way to add armour to the robe without wiping out it's unique look, but if one of you has more vision than me and can see a way to fit some light scavenged-looking metal plating on somewhere, it would be most appreciated.


I don't know how easy it is to turn a texture into an actual ingame item(it can't replace the existing robe as the mod Im planning is meant to integrate into the main story, so both Brotherhood and Outcast scribes will feature at some point), significantly easier than making the texture I don't doubt, heh, but that's something I want to do myself, so if a kind artist can provide the necessary files for me to get going in GECK that would be fantastic.



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