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I was sitting in study hall and came up with this


NOTE: the black triangle are impressions, like an air vent



Elite Power Armor


this idea is to make super power armor for different playing styles


such as C.O.P.A. Combat Oriented Power Armor (melee unarmed and both small and energy weapons


E.W.P.A. Explosive Weapons Power armor (big guns, explosive, and strength)


E.S.P.A. Enhanced Sight Power Armor (extremely increased accuracy. small guns. luck and perception. strong rad resistance)


M.E.P.A. Medically Enhanced Power Armor (medicine, repair, science, and stealth)



this is a picture of the helmets (they should be shaped like an actual human-ish shape)




For C.O.P.A. , it should be slimmed enclave armor with a lower back mounted wakasazi


for E.W.P.A. it should be the enclave armor with BOS shoulders, a rocket/mini nuke holder on the back, a few gernaide pouches on the left hip and a few mines on the leggings, kinda bulky


E.S.P.A. Very slim enclave with smaller shoulder pads and an open skirt like in the power robes mod


M.E.P.A. brotherhood armor with the telse plasma pack on the back and a small tail skirt (like the snipers in star wars battle front 2, the good clones)



i really hope someone takes onto this mod, as i really think it would be awesome

perhaps make it attainable when you reach the level cap



please make this someone?

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hate to sound like an ass but i'm going to.


If thats exactly how you want them. than it's a 30-45 minute modeling job. you should go get a free modeling program and learn how to do it yourself.

im working on modding oblivion, its too much of a pain to transfer crap from my laptop to my desktop

the main thing i want are the helmets.

pretty please?

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well i kinda doubt anyone is just going to make these for you. especially since now you say you have experience and you just don't want to go through the trouble of making them.


Most of the modders here are working on their own projects and don't really have time to just model something that one person wants, so if you do have experience, then you should probably go through the pain of doing it on your own. Personally i don't do requests, but even if i did i have 3 projects and school taking up my time.

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