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What essential mods should I get?


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Agreed - play through it once as the developers intended, then start loading up mods. New Vegas has amazing replay value - I played through it three times on Xbox 360 before loading up my PC and modding the living hell out of my game. I must've played around 250 hours on console, and am about to hit my hundredth hour on my first (definitely not last) PC playthrough.

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ENB or No ENB?

What's ENB?


ENB or No ENB?

What's fake fullscreen about?


For your first playthrough try only using bug fixes, play the game at least once how the developers intended it to be played. The game has huge replay value so start modding it on the second playthrough.

That's exactly why I only want bug fixes and graphical perks.


enb series >>> enhanced visual ... shaders and such makes the overall game world prettier if you know what you are doing


dunno use fake fullscreen so ....




but for bug fix >> YUP


NMC Textures Pack


Poco BeunoTextures


ur choice of enb if you want



NVSE so you can use stutter remover & nvac


plus a few others ---

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