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reasonably prices laptop needed (:

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Hello i am in the market for a laptop, it has to be cheap yet strong enough to output 1080P blu ray via tv, it doesn't have to be a gaming laptop, Just something that can be used as a media centre.


Its not for me, its for my brother so don't ask why i need it :teehee:





amd cpu if you can find one with a fx chip.

gpu anything higher then a gt9800 2008 or a radeon card in that era, because they where the first to be able to play 1080P natively without micro stuttering. Equal or better with today's parts.

Edited by Thor.
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You probably won't find a laptop with an FX CPU. AMD CPUs enjoy firm competition with Intel in the desktop market, where their higher heat and power draw doesn't really matter, but they don't have much a presence in laptops. They draw too much power and generate too much heat to be efficient in such a small enclosure, on battery power. When AMD processors are used in laptops, they're almost always APUs.


You said that it needs to run 1080p blu ray "via TV". Does that mean that you don't actually need the screen itself to be 1080p?


How much are you planning to spend? Some people think 'cheap' for a laptop means $300, while others think it means $1000.

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in the 500$ range is his budget fro a HTPC laptop. It needs to be powerful enough to play anything and then some.


At bare minimum it must not have Intel graphics, none of that junk.


He has the coolest idea to wall mount the laptop beside the Tv in the living room.




and possible candidate, anyways the ideal specs.




more then capable i would think to output 1080P via HD TV.


If anyone has any better models, please let me know :thumbsup: . That's just a reference model.

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Wait, what? He's going to mount a laptop on a wall? :blink:

Wouldn't a compact desktop be stronger and cheaper if he doesn't plan to move it?

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Its portable, just a place so its accessible at the tv, so he doesn't have to place it on the couch or table when its not being used, secondly 40% of the time it'll be used for media purposes on the Big screen. Its a fairly common idea, and cuts down the clutter.


third the pc would be taking up to much room in the living room, its going to be multi purpose.

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