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Hi to all,


I have started to create a mod: Megaton Expansion and Fixes,




As I believe that Megaton is not 'towny' enough. This mod aims to make a much friendlier feeling Megaton, through fixes and expansions.


So far:

Added lanterns everywhere, these lanterns come complete with lights that are set to turn on at night and then turn off during the day.

Added a Jail with scripted prisoners that sandbox and jail guards that patrol. They also have AI for sleeping and eating that is scheduled. I might add dialogue for the jail guards if people want. let me know if you think that is a good idea.

Added more ramps that go upwards for quick and easy access to where you want to go, from pretty much anywhere.


I would really like to here your opinions on what I should add if you have any.


I am also thinking of adding a retired hunter, with dialogue and a shack for him to live in. I have added the shack and I'm in the process of creating the interior, If anyone could make a custom creature mesh and texture for his prized kill, that would be much appreciated. If anyone has any ideas for speech or if they think this is a stupid idea please let me know.


Thank you! :biggrin:













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I really like the idea of a larger Megaton, mainly because it's my most visited settlement in FO3. It would be cool to have more traders than just Moira, kinda like how there's four caravan merchants (one for each type of item), perhaps in a minature marketplace somewhere in Megaton.


Also, I always liked how Megaton was created using scrap from an airport, it would be cool if some of the shacks were made of distinct aircraft parts (like using an aircraft wing as an awning). Aside from that, theres a mod which lets you armour Vault jumpsuits by giving them to Moira. I always wear the Armoured Vault 101 Jumpsuit, but could never repair it because it's unique, so it would be quite cool to create more armoured jumpsuits, or make Moira sell them as part of her normal store.

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me too :thumbsup:


a brillant mod.


back a while i was thinking about the same. cleaning up megaton & adding houses & there was a story quest where you go & help 2 young boys from something & you get a load of caps for it.


the 2 boys were liveing along in the wastes & are good at almost everything from engeneiring to building to wepons.


in the end you get the major of megaton & take the 2 boys to stay with you "fallowers" & you upgrand megaton.

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To Tony the Wookie,

Sorry about the title being in caps, didn't realise people would be annoyed by that... it was to get peoples attention... so I guess it worked.


lionhaert, Brilliant idea of the mini market place, I can use some things from the rivet city market place and make a new platform to... Maybe have a couple scavenger dogs running around and open stall markets for food and weapons.... deep breaths .... THANKS. I like the idea about the different aircraft bits but I can't find a mod that gives you different pieces of plane, by themselves ie. not joined..... and me making them is out of the question as I'm not good enough with nifskope to pull that off.


jackpack, like the idea... although I would have trouble with the making my own custom weapons and meshes. I also don't know how to make a quest yet :(



Thank everyone for the comments!!

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Great mod.


Need a gallows. Nothing fancy just a noose hanging down from someplace high.


Likely would put the bodies out side the town. Don't want to attract vermin.



I think a mix of lights are good.


I always got the impression that there was electric power (turbine or old fusion power plant) and that the old time lights just lasted forever.


Just like the how the old time paint is so tough that it keeps wood from rotting ;) Stuff is still around after 200 years. Yeah that's the ticket!


So the town would have some major electric lights at the gate and some of the major common area's that were put in right when the town was built and likely maintained by the town.


People who are poorer would have to depend on the lanterns while for the businesses it would be a way of advertising how well you were doing.


Megaton doesn't have one problem with using lanterns. There is little chance of a fire spreading.

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I have a couple of ideas.


How about having a firing range wher you can test out your weapons. I always missed the targets in vault 101 that your dad has you shoot at with a bb gun. It would be nice to have npcs doing target practice also.


More entertainment is also good. they have food and drinks but I would imagine such a town would have a betting cage where they capture dogs, radscorpions, and molerats to have them fight against one another. This might be hard to implement convincingly without some voice acting.

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I like the ideas coming in, but I can't find much more room to put them all in... not without expanding the walls of megaton in megaton world; which in turn would feel weird when walking around??

got any ideas?


Although I have added a firing range, market inside megaton and gallows out the front of megaton.

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I had to remove the firing range and markets from megaton. This is because I have run out of space inside megaton to put all these things in.


I have put some thought into this and I was wondering if anyone would have objections to me taking this underground. This would allow me to put more features in; firing range etc.





I received a suggestion that I should add some bits from megaton tweaks into my mod, so I did.


Megaton now has functioning crows nests, with snipers in them, I have created a power station inside the piece of aircraft on top of Lucas's house, Future update may include the ability to turn the power meaning all the lights in megaton on and off.


and once again suggestions and comments are very helpful and much appreciated.

Thanks! :)

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Hello all,

I am looking for someone to take a look at my mod; specifically the jail. I have been working for quite some time now trying (notice the "trying") to make everything work properly.



* When you enter or load a save in megaton, the guard on duty will be done by the house underneath the jail (RANDOM!)

* The raider prisoners will not freaking MOVE!


* If you enter a different area (ie. wasteland) or you enter a place in megaton (ie. your house) after you exit that area and go back to megaton, often both the raiders and guard on duty will be down by the house underneath the jail.


(NOTE: By this time I am bashing my head against a wall)


If you are interested in helping or you think you can tell me in a message, PLEASE PM me or leave a comment.



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