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Forgotten base mod idea


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Ok.. .this is something a little out of my dream... I changed it and made a quick draw about the idea.


Main story:

A forgotten civilization, before humans was wiped from the planet with every clue/building etc - we don't know that, we only know what our scientists have found about our planets history.


But a single very hidden base remains, inside a mountain - around 300k years old.


Ether using GTS or hide it somewhere in the rocky wasteland, a carefully hidden entrance - that looks like a rock wall (perhaps it is possible to make stone wall door?).

Player discovers it (was actually protected against scans etc so no one found it before - but nuclear war broke some of its defenses and it can be found).

Behind the door a elevator takes you deep underground.




This is the first floor.

After exiting elevator you end up in a room where they usually checked anyone who came in - but no one is alive except a still working AI.


Doors are ether heavy (bigger ones on pic) or energy field.

Also a small prison like room where captives were hold and a room for guards.


Also teleport matrix for, its power room and control room - all protected with guard towers.



This would require mostly Zeta cell pieces and stuff but includes stuff from other dlc-s to make it more interesting.


Observation decks (with bigger windows to observe whos behind main doors).. some cameras (if there are any models that would look like a camera) and intercom for bases AI.


Also players should be able to find a way to persuade AI to open security doors/force fields to get inside rooms - perhaps by acquiring some items to cheat AI (like security clearance cards etc from some corps thats in elevator or different rooms etc).


Also a way to repair power station with various materials on wasteland - some perhaps hard to acquire or might require a separate quest?


After everything, when upper floor is unsealed, repaired and etc interesting stuff done + you can convince AI to allow you to use teleport matrix - you can activate it and get inside base itself.


Bottom part of the mod is going to be with several floors/areas etc... (like AI core, weapons lab, crew quarters, biology labs etc etc with unique stuff, quests etc - perhaps even androids).



Whats ur opinions, i doubt i can do that tho... my skills with geck are 4h worth of tutorials this far + it might require cuztom models, textures and sounds.

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