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Trying to have plasma projectile with radius


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This is just off the top of my head so it may not work at all, but if you open up the nif in Nifskope there are a bunch of different nodes with nitristrips in them. One of them will relate to the actual part that needs to be increased, no idea which one, you'll have to experiment. Just increase the scale of that one and it could very well help.
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You'll need to go into the geck and look for the plasma projectile itself and I believe it's as easy as increasing hit radius or "splash damage" type of thing


I am not looking at the GECK this is pure speculation; however, this deals with the projectile not the weapon. So fire up GECK and see what options are avaliable for the plasama ammo.

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maywire are you referring to the collision mesh ? I tried increasing all of them but it didn't help.

IceDragon987 are you sure ? can't see any parameter that controls the bullet radius ...


Check out the ingame video below to see what I mean - even when the projectile is huge it doesn't hit the enemies properly

http://www.svartberg.com/misc/Fallout3 2009-09-13 17-20-21-48.avi

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What are you trying to accomplish? A shot that can hit lots of people at once? Have you considered making it a projectile like a missile? You can adjust their range etc.



Once I get my energy weapon skills up ingame I'll mess around in the GECK and see if I can work it out.

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It's mostly because the projectile travels really slow I guess? I never used plasma weapons simply because of that. Not sure if you could speed them up or not, but I suppose it may be in the GECK. Have you tried opening the plasmaprojectile in the GECK to see what can be adjusted?
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ehm ye, if you look up you could see my custom gun and projectile.

the slow plasma projectile are a problem ye, especially with firing delays (there's a bit of delay when you fire the weapon and when it actually send it to the screen) - but the collision bothers me more.

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