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Requesting advice from someone who knows Morrowind Crafting well


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I'm having trouble mining ore from rocks using morrowind crafting.


I keep getting 'u failed to mine ore from this rock' EVERY time i try to mine ore and the rock imediately turns black as though it has completely run out of ore. this has happened at least 25 times without fail, i am yet to get ore form a rock.


Its says in the guide:

The higher your mining skill, the more material you stand to gain before the rock is mined out. Ore can only be collected from a rock once it has been mined out and broken open.


While mining the rocks isn't considered a crime, attempting to steal the ore from these rocks is.


Once a mineable resource has been fully mined and the ore collected, it changes appearance and can no longer be activated.


Ok, thats about enough, note: "...resource has been fully mined and..."


I'm not getting no 'fully mined' just 'do you want to mine this rock?' - yes - prompt above message... every time.


Neither am i getting any option to remove ore from any rock after mining it, ever... just as i said, one hit with the pic, imediate dead rock, no ore in inventory, no ore to 'pick up'? from rock... see i don't know that bit as i've never got to it...


i think you get the point.


I'm worried somehow the ore is missing from the containers (rocks), i've hada bit of a look at the caldera mine in the CS, but im not to good with it and couldn't find any 'iron ore' in any of the tabs.


I'de like some help off someone who knows Morrowind Crafting well, someone who has used to before or is doing currently. Someone who can clarify a few things for me.


Is it normal that this happens? considering my mining skill is obviously still at 5 (lowest) as i've not been able to do anything with it. Oh, on that point...


Also, note:

Note that the actual owner of these rocks won't mind you practicing your mining skills on their rocks, but should you choose to collect the results of that mining, they may have something to say about it. The mining process does NOT interfere with the object ownership, so while you can freely mine the ebony and glass rocks in an imperial mine, you may not (legally) remove the ore from the rocks when you're done.


As my Mining skill hasn't raised ONCE, and there is nothing concievable happening atall when mining apart from once activatable rocks greying out permanently and the same ol "you failed to mine ore from this rock" message poping up, Am i right in presuming something is actually wrong with the mod itself? No other part of the mod is faulty, atall, its a complex mod, very complex and it all works perfectly, the only thing i hadn't got round to doing was mining, which is now giving me this trouble...


I REALLY don't want t ohave to do something drastic and screw up my game, I've actually managed to get pretty far with this character after spending what seems like forever fiddling with a fat bag of mods to get them to all work together. Morrowind crafting was a recent addition, i chose it as it is built in such a way as to not rely on load order and does not conflict with any other mod atall. period. Which is cool huh. Only problem is... the mining. it seems.


Thanks in advance for the replies. :wallbash:

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