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Hello everyone, I'm a twenty year old nursing student at the university college of antwerp.

Yes I'm from Belgium, the flemish part. I just generaly like to play games on my computer but I also try to stay in the real world cause sometimes it comes knocking on my door to shake me up again about my living habits (the one who comes knocking is usually my mother complaining about my lack of social skills or just life in general).

I discovered oblivion due to a friend who showed it to me. I was immediatly drawn to the beauty of the scenery in oblivion. So I got it myself.

I already finished the main quest but I have started numerous of new games just because I wasn't happy with the face of my character, but I always went wit it eventually. And then I stumbled upon this here. And I saw characters, female characters that were beautifull and I want that too! And cool cloting and all. And just, well cool stuff so the game would be more attractive.

So here I am. I won't be making any mods (I'm not that much of a computer wonder :biggrin: ), but I will be using them and be very appreciative of them.

If you're wondering about my name, my name is acutally Gisela (don't try to pronounce it, not even the people here in Belgium can pronounce it right), but my family quickens it to Gizzie and Wolff, is the last name of my maternal grandmother who I love very much and have a very good band with. I'm guessing this is because I get a lot of my personality from her. Heehee.




greetings from Gizzie

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Hello and welcome to the Oblivion modding capital of the world! And it is indeed a cornucopia of female characters, clothing, armor and accessories. New stuff is posted daily in these categories, and I'm even working on some female companions myself. Anyway, have fun here and don't be too shy -- 99% of the people here are very nice folks.
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Welcome to TesNexus. We are always happy to welcome new players.


***With a jealous tilt of her head and an indignant snort, she put her hands on her wide hips before speaking***


You never welcomed ME to the Nexus, bben46!

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Welcome to TesNexus. We are always happy to welcome new players.


***With a jealous tilt of her head and an indignant snort, she put her hands on her wide hips before speaking***


You never welcomed ME to the Nexus, bben46!

o_O Well hot damn - it's a shame, how could anyone NOT welcome one such as yourself Herc? *shrugs and bows*

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