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Okay, i've got like, fifty mods running and not a single one of them has a dragon to fight in it. Oblivion is pretty much a fantasy world simulator, so where the hell are all the dragons? I just want a simple mod that has some dragons in it; flying around or something that wanna pick a fight. If there is one out there, can someone give me the name of it or link. And if there isn't, you people disappoint me. We have Frodo Baggins runnin' around out there and of all people, Master Chief kicking random peoples' asses and no one has thought to put a couple of badass dragons to fight in the game?? i seriously hope not...
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My current build of my character Evelynne is level 14, and Im not seeing any dragons just yet. In Marts monster mod the dragons (called drakes) Are deadric and most commonly found in the oblivion realms. The level they start to appear at Im not sure, I think its between level 15 and 20.
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The only mod I know of that contains dragons is Dragon Invasion ll, a fairly difficult dungeon for a level 12. Without giving too much away, it is primarily a dungeon crawl, but with excellant loot. As for random encounters with drakes or dragons I just don't know why none were created. Indeed, the storyline of Dragon Invasion states that dragons are venerated and it is a crime to hunt them. If there are drakes in MMM I wasn't aware of them and may have to redownload it for the sheer novelty. For some amphibian fun (esp. at lower levels) you may want to download "WOGS" a better mod than its name suggests. (altho I don't know if it works with MMM). That mod randomly places Kommodo style dragons in the game. If you haven't noticed there does not really seem to be any flying monstors, dragons or otherwise. (Altho I sure wish someone would contradict me because I'd love to see it).
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Well, Master Cheif and Sephiroth running around, killing people isn't very lore friendly either but you've got that too... I want a dragon to fly from the sky and kill me, is that too much to ask?!

no,its a great idea,but a mod of that type takes some time,dedication and a whole lot of modding knowledge.maybe a request in the requests forum might get you lucky...mod wise that is. :biggrin:

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