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GECK function to create a marker by script? or get player position?


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I'm trying to use CreateDetectionEvent which takes a location parameter. I either need a function that gets the position of the player, or a function by which I can use PlaceAtMe in conjunction with a function that creates a marker.


ref rPlayerPosition

set rPlayerPositionMarker to Player.PlaceAtMe XMarker

this is the syntax for createdetectionevent:

[LocationREF].CreateDetectionEvent OwnerRefID:ref iSoundLevel:int{0-100} EventType:int{0-3}

I want to force an NPC to detect the player so I was using:

player.CreateDetectionEvent player 100 0
if GetDetected player == 1
   StartCombat player

I'm not sure if I can pass 'player' as a location ref. I was going to use GetPos but it looks like it only returns x,y, or z, and I'm assuming the location ref parameter for createdetectionevent is expecting x, y, and z. Any insights are appreciated.

Edited by irswat
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