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Trouble at GNR Plaza...


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I am having some trouble when doing the quest ¨Following His Footsteps¨ the thing is that the Brothehood starts to attack me for no apparent reason just after they finish slaying the Mutant Behemot. I´ve played Fallout 3 a couple of times on both consoles and PC and this has never happened to me. I have backtracked a bit when just meeting Paladin Lyons for the first time and the same thing happens every time, I follow them, they kill all the super mutants in the way, kill the Behemot then turn against me. I have currently installed FWE and MMM. Does anybody know why may this be happening?

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post your load order please, get it from the plugin text file or extract it from a saved game file in fomm saved game viewer, do not post arbitrary information, we need to see exact mod placement.


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I don't think you understood my intentions, I need the actual plugin list, not what sits in a viewer window, the text file it stores the data in when the game is active/ running.


I use that data be it in text form or copy and paste from here into a fresh new file for me to use on a test machine, I use Mod organizer, set of a game, all files in your name and run your stuff.

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I don't think this is a mod issue, this is actually a bug that occurs on all 3 platforms, usually from only one of the BOS member's AI. Best option is to go wait somewhere else far away while the area is unloaded and let the AI reset. If that doesn't work and it is the common bug; reload and try to figure out which BOS is attacking your first and kill him with the console.

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I have had the same thing, I killed the giant Mutant Behemot they attacked me,

It appeard that using the mini-nuke and accidently killing a Steel brother will make them kill you after the giant guy is dead ,

with "slightly demaging" them this may also happen but the chances are less.

the only thing you can do is load you last save.


In my last attempt (first time I used bullits, they attacked me , second time I nuked myself lol) I did hit those 2 guys on the left (if you standing with your back at the GNR Building) but they didnt attack me


EDIT: just after they finish slaying the Mutant Behemot.

You should kill it :wink:.

Also do not enter the building after they attack you.


And you get that mini-nuke(and fatman) fromt the fallen brother Before the big guy comes walking in and says hi with his big hammer

Edited by DutchGreenWizard
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