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NPC Mods - Making quest topics appear without adding from GREETING


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I'm trying to make a companion mod, and have studied various other mods such as CM Partners a bit, but there is one thing I can't figure out.


Most companion mods have lots of standard "command" topics, which are added to a "companion quest", and none of these seem to be added by specifying them in "Add Topics", or running AddTopic in a script from the GREETING topic. Still, they appear in game.


However, if I just add a bunch of topics with appropriate conditions to the topic list without making the GREETING topic add them, they simply don't show up.

What's the magic trick to make topics show up without making the GREETING topic add them manually?

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You should block it with a variable (Doonce kind), so it only adds them once.

(Although it is already added, it will do so every time you use a door or fasttravel. It will save FPS in the long run...)

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