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game freeze at the level-up screen

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I'm at vault 112 and when I enter the virtual world I level up (because you get the 550xp points when entering the world)

then I distrubute my skill point and choose a perk<


>then when I want to accept (or press a)


The game Freezes but the music keeps runing I cant do anything but ctrl-alt-esc (and press the down arrows and press enter on loggoff)


I tried with my normal fallout exe and the fose loader.

Nothing works.


does anyone know a solution?


I have only 1 mod active and installed to the data file(nmc's texture pack) (going to finish the game vanilla. a fully modded version I will be doing a other time)

Edited by DutchGreenWizard
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Live achievements are kicking in. The xp level up amount shows that. some how, GFWL is active. When it becomes active.....add on textures and mesh files get thrown out so entering a new environment, the game will fight to save errors.


The fight is this, lose files will always load ,but, LIVE ,will force the engine to ignore what can't be ignored, On force save as it is in the engine, this causes a freeze.

you only hope is to use an earlier saved game. hard save before entering that Environment, uninstall NmC, load the game up hard save again , quit, and deal with GFWL, get it out of the game, use the fake live dll from fomm utility installer ,and launch the game without nmc installed .see if it now goes through. IF you have the online steam downloaded distribution? at this point, just afer disabling and resting that dll file, reset the games cache for steam. then play.

I tried with my normal fallout exe and the fose loader.

Nothing works.

as long as GFWL is active, never will, and this leads to arguments about it. The code, once initiated in a saved game can not be ripped out of that saved game regardless of any ram injections to it. your stuck with live running.

To save face, have your system task monitor running when you think it's all cool and clean/ free of GFWL, and alt tab out and look at what is running. you will SEE the xlive.dlll is in fact loaded , and loaded into ram right along side everything that goes against the grain of know functions. IT must load. if it loads? data is saved into the games saved file, steam check achievements in that archive "Your saved file" while running.


does anyone know a solution?

see above.


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I deactivated the nmc pack , installed the games for windows live disabler (thanks nexus for existing)

started the game loaded the save. saved it , loaded the new one

back at vault 122 bladiebla

i'm in the matrix(virtual world:P) and I get the points and I level-up and it freezes after the perks again.

I checked with the taskmaneger before accepting the perk ,no xlive.dlll

the fake xlive was not active :sad:


so what am I doing wrong?


edit: I have the CD version not the steam, not even shure it exists in my country

Edited by DutchGreenWizard
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I checked with the task maneger before accepting the perk ,no xlive.dlll

so what am I doing wrong?

Ok, want me to show you what you need to see?

Fomm installs it, if it does not load? the game can not run. It is part of the internal XNA function of the executable, so it must load.

But iwill show you what you need to see.


I can provide it in 3d too if you like.



SStartingCell =

SCharGenQuest = 0001f388

SStartingCellY =

SStartingCellX =

SStartingWorld =

STestFile10 =

STestFile9 =

STestFile8 =

STestFile7 =

STestFile6 =

STestFile5 =

STestFile4 =

STestFile3 =

STestFile2 =

STestFile1 =

sEssentialFileCacheList = Data\Fallout.esm|Data2\Fallout.esm, Data\Music\Special\MainTitle.mp3, Data\Fallout - Sound.bsa|Fallout - Sound.bsa, Data\Fallout - Voices.bsa|Fallout - Voices.bsa, Data\Fallout - MenuVoices.bsa|Fallout - MenuVoices.bsa

sUnessentialFileCacheList = Data\Fallout - Meshes.bsa|Data2\Fallout - Meshes.bsa, Data\Fallout - Textures.bsa|Data2\Fallout - Textures.bsa, Data\Music\Dungeon\*.xma, Data\Music\Base\*.mp3, Data\Music\Battle\*.mp3, Data\Music\Explore\*.mp3, Data\Music\Public\*.mp3, Data\Music\Special\*.mp3

bPreCullActors = 1

bTaskletActorSceneGraphUpdates = 0

bTaskletActorAnimMovementUpdates = 1

bAnimationUseBlendFromPose = 1

bEnableProfile = 0

bDrawSpellContact = 0

bRunMiddleLowLevelProcess = 1

iHoursToSleep = 3

bActorLookWithHavok = 0

SMainMenuMusicTrack = special\maintitle.mp3

bUseEyeEnvMapping = 1

bFixFaceNormals = 0

bUseFaceGenHeads = 1

bFaceMipMaps = 1

bFaceGenTexturing = 1

SBetaCommentFileName = \\vault\Fallout\Fallout3\Beta_Comment.txt

bDefaultCOCPlacement = 0

uGridDistantCount = 20

uGridsToLoad = 5

fGlobalTimeMultiplier = 1.0000

bNewAnimation = 1

bFixAIPackagesOnLoad = 0

bForceReloadOnEssentialCharacterDeath = 1

bKeepPluginWhenMerging = 0

bCreate Maps Enable = 0

SLocalSavePath = Saves\

SLocalMasterPath = Data\

bDisableDuplicateReferenceCheck = 1

bTintMipMaps = 0

uInterior Cell Buffer = 3

uExterior Cell Buffer = 36

iIntroSequencePriority = 3

bPreloadIntroSequence = 1

fStaticScreenWaitTime = 3.0000

SMainMenuMovieIntro =

SIntroSequence =

sIntroMovie = Fallout INTRO Vsk.bik

iFPSClamp = 0

bRunVTuneTest = 0

bActivateAllQuestScripts = 0

bUseThreadedBlood = 0

bUseThreadedMorpher = 0

bBorderRegionsEnabled = 1

bDisableHeadTracking = 0

bTrackAllDeaths = 0

uiFaceGenMaxEGTDataSize = 67108864

uiFaceGenMaxEGMDataSize = 67108864

bPreemptivelyUnloadCells = 0

iNumBitsForFullySeen = 248

iPreloadSizeLimit = 26214400

bUseHardDriveCache = 0

bEnableBoundingVolumeOcclusion = 1

bDisplayBoundingVolumes = 0

bUseThreadedTempEffects = 1

bUseThreadedParticleSystem = 0

bExternalLODDataFiles = 1

bCheckCellOffsetsOnInit = 0

uGridDistantTreeRange = 5

bCreateShaderPackage = 0

bWarnOnMissingFileEntry = 0

bAllowScriptedAutosave = 0

uGridDistantTreeRangeCity = 4

uGridDistantCountCity = 4

iSaveGameBackupCount = 1

bDisplayMissingContentDialogue = 1

SSaveGameSafeCellID = 2AEEA

bUseThreadedAI = 1

iNumHWThreads = 2

bChangeTimeMultSlowly = 1

bCheckPurgedTextureList = 0

bAnimateDoorPhysics = 0

sLanguage = ENGLISH

bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles = 1



fDecalLifetime = 10.0000

bEquippedTorchesCastShadows = 0

bReportBadTangentSpace = 0

bStaticMenuBackground = 1

bForcePow2Textures = 0

bForce1XShaders = 0

bHighQuality20Lighting = 0

bAllow20HairShader = 1

bAllowScreenShot = 1

iMultiSample = 0

bDoTallGrassEffect = 1

bForceMultiPass = 1

bDoTexturePass = 1

bDoSpecularPass = 1

bDoDiffusePass = 1

bDoAmbientPass = 1

bImageSpaceEffects = 1

bDoCanopyShadowPass = 1

bDrawShadows = 0

bUseRefractionShader = 1

bUse Shaders = 1

iNPatchNOrder = 0

iNPatchPOrder = 0

iNPatches = 0

iLocation Y = 5

iLocation X = 5

bFull Screen = 1

iAdapter = 0

iScreenShotIndex = 0

SScreenShotBaseName = ScreenShot

iAutoViewMinDistance = 2000

iAutoViewHiFrameRate = 40

iAutoViewLowFrameRate = 20

bAutoViewDistance = 0

fDefaultFOV = 75.0000

fNearDistance = 5

fFarDistance = 1000.0000

iDebugTextLeftRightOffset = 10

iDebugTextTopBottomOffset = 20

bShowMenuTextureUse = 1

fLightLODDefaultStartFade = 1000.0

fLightLODRange = 500.0

fLightLODMinStartFade = 200.0

fLightLODMaxStartFade = 3500.0

fShadowLODDefaultStartFade = 200.0

fShadowLODRange = 200.0

fShadowLODMinStartFade = 100.0

fShadowLODMaxStartFade = 1000.0

fSpecularLODDefaultStartFade = 500.0

fSpecularLODRange = 300.0

fSpecularLODMinStartFade = 200.0

fSpecularLODMaxStartFade = 2000.0

fGamma = 1.0000

bAllow30Shaders = 0

iTexMipMapMinimum = 0

bDoStaticAndArchShadows = 0

bDoActorShadows = 1

fNoLODFarDistancePct = 1.0000

fNoLODFarDistanceMax = 10240.0000

fNoLODFarDistanceMin = 100.0000

fEyeEnvMapLOD2 = 800.0000

fEyeEnvMapLOD1 = 500.0000

fEnvMapLOD2 = 1800.0000

fEnvMapLOD1 = 1500.0000

fGammaMax = 0.6000

fGammaMin = 1.4000

iMaxDecalsPerFrame = 10

iActorShadowCount = 4

bIgnoreResolutionCheck = 0

fSpecualrStartMax = 1000.0000

fSpecularStartMin = 0.0000

iActorShadowIntMax = 10

iActorShadowIntMin = 0

iActorShadowExtMax = 10

iActorShadowExtMin = 0

bDynamicWindowReflections = 1

fShadowFadeTime = 1.0000

iPresentInterval = 1

bDecalsOnSkinnedGeometry = 1

uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart4 = 0

uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart3 = 0

uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart2 = 0

uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart1 = 0

iShadowFilter = 0

bAllowPartialPrecision = 1

iShadowMapResolution = 256

bShadowsOnGrass = 0

bActorSelfShadowing = 0

iActorShadowCountInt = 2

iActorShadowCountExt = 2

fPipboy1stPersonFOV = 47.0

fDefault1stPersonFOV = 55.0000

bLODNoiseAniso = 1

iMaxAnisotropy = 8

fLandLOFadeSeconds = 15.0

UseEffect = false



bAlwaysRunByDefault = 1

bBackground Mouse = 0

bBackground Keyboard = 1



bUseWaterShader = 1

bUseWaterReflections = 1

bUseWaterRefractions = 1

bUseWaterDepth = 1

bUseWaterHiRes = 0

bUseWaterDisplacements = 1

bUseWaterLOD = 1

bReflectExplosions = 0

bAutoWaterSilhouetteReflections = 1

bForceHighDetailReflections = 0

bForceLowDetailReflections = 0

fTileTextureDivisor = 4.7500

fSurfaceTileSize = 2048.0000

fNearWaterOutdoorTolerance = 1024.0000

fNearWaterIndoorTolerance = 512.0000

fNearWaterUnderwaterVolume = 0.9000

fNearWaterUnderwaterFreq = 0.3000

uNearWaterPoints = 8

uNearWaterRadius = 1000

uSurfaceFPS = 12



fASFadeInTime = 3.0

fASFadeOutTime = 10.0

fRegionLoopFadeInTime = 5.0

fRegionLoopFadeOutTime = 5.0

fAudioDebugDelay = 0.0000

bEnableAudio = 1

bEnableAudioCache = 1

bMultiThreadAudio = 0

bEnableEnviroEffectsOnPC = 0

iAudioCacheSize = 2048

iMaxSizeForCachedSound = 256

bUseAudioDebugInformation = 1

fDefaultMasterVolume = 1.0000

fDefaultFootVolume = 0.5000

fDefaultMusicVolume = 0.3000

fDefaultRadioVolume = 0.5000

fDefaultEffectsVolume = 1.0000

fDefaultVoiceVolume = 0.7500

iMaxImpactSoundCount = 32

fMaxFootstepDistance = 1100.0000

fPlayerFootVolume = 0.6500

iCollisionSoundTimeDelta = 150

iRadioUpdateInterval = 250

fMinSoundVel = 90.0000

fDialogMinDistance = 125.00

fDialogMaxDistance = 1800.00

fMainMenuMusicVolume = 0.6

fDBVoiceAttenuationIn2D = 2.0

fCollisionSoundHeavyThreshold = 60.0

fDialogueFadeDecibels = 6.0

fDialogueFadeSecondsIn = 2.0

fDialogueFadeSecondsOut = 1.0

fDialogueHeadPitchExaggeration = 2.0

fDialogueHeadRollExaggeration = 2.0

fDialogueHeadYawExaggeration = 2.0

fHardLandingDamageThreshold = 500.0

fWoodMediumMassMin = 7.0

fWoodLargeMassMin = 15.0

fStoneMediumMassMin = 5.0

fStoneLargeMassMin = 30.0

fEarthMediumMassMin = 5.0

fEarthLargeMassMin = 30.0

fSkinMediumMassMin = 5.0

fSkinLargeMassMin = 30.0

fMetalMediumMassMin = 8.0

fMetalLargeMassMin = 25.0

fRadioDialogMute = 0.50

fFilterDistortionGain = -7.5

fFilterPEQGain = -15.0

fFilterdBAttenuation = 11.5



bDrawPathsDefault = 0

bPathMovementOnly = 0

bDrawSmoothFailures = 0

bDebugSmoothing = 0

bSmoothPaths = 1

bSnapToAngle = 0

bDebugAvoidance = 0

bDisableAvoidance = 0

bBackgroundPathing = 1

bUseObstacleAvoidance = 1

bBackgroundNavmeshUpdate = 1



bEnableBorderRegion = 1

fLowPerfCombatantVoiceDistance = 1000.0000

iDetectionHighNumPicks = 40

fQuestScriptDelayTime = 5.0000

bCloneModelsInBackground = 0

iLastHDRSetting = -1



bDisablePlayerCollision = 0

fJumpAnimDelay = 0.7500

bTreeTops = 0

iSimType = 1

bPreventHavokAddAll = 0

bPreventHavokAddClutter = 0

fMaxTime = 0.016

bHavokDebug = 0

fRF = 1000.0000

fOD = 0.9000

fSE = 0.3000

fSD = 0.9800

iResetCounter = 5

fMoveLimitMass = 95.0000

iUpdateType = 0

bHavokPick = 0

fCameraCasterSize = 10.0000

iHavokSkipFrameCountTEST = 0

iNumHavokThreads = 1

fChaseDeltaMult = 0.0500

bAddBipedWhenKeyframed = 1

fQuadrupedPitchMult = 1.0000

iEntityBatchRemoveRate = 100

iMaxPicks = 40



bRagdollFeedback = 1

fCameraDist = 1000.0

fHierarchyGain = 0.17

fVelocityDamping = 0.0

fAccelerationGain = 1.0

fVelocityGain = 0.6

fPositionGain = 0.05

fPositionMaxLinearVelocity = 14.0

fPositionMaxAngularVelocity = 18.0

fSnapGain = 0.1

fSnapMaxLinearVelocity = 3.0

fSnapMaxAngularVelocity = 0.3

fSnapMaxLinearDistance = 0.3

fSnapMaxAngularDistance = 1.0



fOnOffGain = 0.5

fGroundAscendingGain = 0.4

fGroundDescendingGain = 0.4

fFootRaisedGain = 0.9000

fFootPlantedGain = 1.0000

bFootPlacementOn = 1

fPelvisUpDownBias = 0.75

fPelvisOffsetDamping = 0.2

fVertErrorGain = 0.5

fOriginalGroundHeightMS = -0.11

fAnkleOffset = 0.2000

fRagdollFeedback = 0.7



fLookAtTargetGain = 0.3

fLookAtGain = 0.045



fKeyRepeatInterval = 50.0000

fKeyRepeatTime = 500.0000

fActivatePickSphereRadius = 16.0000

fMenuModeAnimBlend = 0.0000

iSafeZoneXWide = 15

iSafeZoneYWide = 15

iSafeZoneX = 15

iSafeZoneY = 15

bAllowConsole = 1

bActivatePickUseGamebryoPick = 0

bUseFuzzyPicking = 1

fMenuBGBlurRadius = 2.0000

fMenuPlayerLightDiffuseBlue = 0.8000

fMenuPlayerLightDiffuseGreen = 0.8000

fMenuPlayerLightDiffuseRed = 0.8000

fMenuPlayerLightAmbientBlue = 0.2500

fMenuPlayerLightAmbientGreen = 0.2500

fMenuPlayerLightAmbientRed = 0.2500

iMaxViewCasterPicksGamebryo = 10

iMaxViewCasterPicksHavok = 10

iMaxViewCasterPicksFuzzy = 5

fInterfaceTintB = 0.8824

fInterfaceTintG = 0.9843

fInterfaceTintR = 0.6314

bUseImageSpaceMenuFX = 0

iSystemColorTerminalRed = 33

iSystemColorTerminalGreen = 231

iSystemColorTerminalBlue = 121

iSystemColorSystemRed = 26

iSystemColorSystemGreen = 255

iSystemColorSystemBlue = 128

iSystemColorMainMenuRed = 199

iSystemColorMainMenuGreen = 255

iSystemColorMainMenuBlue = 165

iSystemColorPipboyRed = 26

iSystemColorPipboyGreen = 255

iSystemColorPipboyBlue = 128

iSystemColorHUDAltRed = 255

iSystemColorHUDAltGreen = 67

iSystemColorHUDAltBlue = 42

iSystemColorHUDMainRed = 26

iSystemColorHUDMainGreen = 255

iSystemColorHUDMainBlue = 128

fRSMFaceSliderDefaultMin = -3.5

fRSMFaceSliderDefaultMax = 3.5

fPopUpBackgroundOpacity = 0.87

fMenuBackgroundOpacity = 0.76

bHideUnavailablePerks = 0



sWelcomeScreen1 = loading_screen01

sWelcomeScreen2 = loading_screen_bethsoft

sWelcomeScreen3 = loading_screen_BGS

sWelcomeScreen4 = loading_screen_legal

sMainMenuBackground = main_background

sTitleMusic = MainTitle

sInitialSound = fx\ui\loadscreen\initial\ui_loadscreen_initial.wav

iMaxScreens = 4

iMaxScreens_MainMenu = 20

fLoadingTextUpdateInterval = 10.0000

fLoadingBkgdUpdateInterval = 10.0000

fMainMenuBkgdUpdateInterval = 10.0000

fLoadingInitUpdateInterval = 5.0000

iNumLocationSpecificScreens = 1



fCreditsScrollSpeed = 40.0000

iConsoleTextYPos = 940

iConsoleTextXPos = 30

iConsoleVisibleLines = 15

iConsoleHistorySize = 50

rDebugTextColor = 255,251,233

iConsoleFont = 2

iDebugTextFont = 3



bHealthBarShowing = 0

fHealthBarFadeOutSpeed = 1.0000

fHealthBarSpeed = 80.0000

fHealthBarHeight = 4.0000

fHealthBarWidth = 40.0000

fHealthBarEmittanceFadeTime = 0.5000

fHealthBarEmittanceTime = 1.5000

bAllowHavokGrabTheLiving = 0

bEssentialTakeNoDamage = 1

iDetectionPicks = 21



sFontFile_1 = Textures\Fonts\Glow_Monofonto_Large.fnt

sFontFile_2 = Textures\Fonts\Monofonto_Large.fnt

sFontFile_3 = Textures\Fonts\Glow_Monofonto_Medium.fnt

sFontFile_4 = Textures\Fonts\Monofonto_VeryLarge02_Dialogs2.fnt

sFontFile_5 = Textures\Fonts\Fixedsys_Comp_uniform_width.fnt

sFontFile_6 = Textures\Fonts\Glow_Monofonto_VL_dialogs.fnt

sFontFile_7 = Textures\Fonts\Baked-in_Monofonto_Large.fnt

sFontFile_8 = Textures\Fonts\Glow_Futura_Caps_Large.fnt



iTreeClonesAllowed = 1

fCanopyShadowGrassMult = 1.0000

iCanopyShadowScale = 512

fTreeForceMaxBudAngle = -1.0000

fTreeForceMinBudAngle = -1.0000

fTreeForceLeafDimming = -1.0000

fTreeForceBranchDimming = -1.0000

fTreeForceCS = -1.0000

fTreeForceLLA = -1.0000

fTreeLODExponent = 1.0000

bEnableTrees = 1

bForceFullLOD = 0

fLODTreeMipMapLODBias = -0.7500

fLocalTreeMipMapLODBias = -0.2500



bDebugFaceGenCriticalSection = 0

bDebugFaceGenMultithreading = 0

bDebugSaveBuffer = 0



bBackgroundPathing = 1

bUseMultiThreadedFaceGen = 1

bBackgroundCellLoads = 1

iAnimaitonClonePerLoop = 5

bUseMultiThreadedTrees = 1

iExteriorPriority = 50

iBackgroundLoadFaceMult = 200

fBackgroundLoadingPerLoop = 20.0000

fBackgroundLoadClonedPerLoop = 5.0000

iBackgroundLoadExtraMaxFPS = 20

iBackgroundLoadExtraMinFPS = 10

iBackgroundLoadExtraMax = 3000

iBackgroundLoadExtraMin = 5

iBackgroundLoadExtraMilliseconds = 2

iBackgroundLoadTreeMilliseconds = 7

iBackgroundLoadMilliseconds = 1

iBackgroundLoadLoading = 1

bUseBackgroundFileLoader = 0

bBackgroundLoadLipFiles = 0

bLoadBackgroundFaceGen = 0

bLoadHelmetsInBackground = 1

iAnimationClonePerLoop = 5

bSelectivePurgeUnusedOnFastTravel = 0

bCloneModelsInBackground = 0



fLODLandDropAmount = 230.0000

fLodDistance = 500.0000

bUseFaceGenLOD = 0

iLODTextureTiling = 2

iLODTextureSizePow2 = 8

fLODNormalTextureBlend = 0.5000

bDisplayLODLand = 1

bDisplayLODBuildings = 1

bLODPopTrees = 0

bLODPopActors = 0

bLODPopItems = 0

bLODPopObjects = 0

fLODFadeOutMultItems = 3

fLODFadeOutMultObjects = 5

fLODFadeOutMultActors = 6

fLODMultLandscape = 1.0000

fLODMultTrees = 0.5000

fLODMultActors = 1.0000

fLODMultItems = 1.0000

fLODMultObjects = 5

iFadeNodeMinNearDistance = 500

fLODFadeOutPercent = 0.6000

fFadeOutThreshold = 0.3000

fFadeInThreshold = 0.7000

fFadeInTimet = 2.0

fFadeOutTime = 2.0

fDistanceMultiplier = 1

fLODBoundRadiusMult = 10

fObjectLODMax = 15.0

fObjectLODMin = 1.0

fObjectLODDefault = 5

fItemLODMax = 15.0

fItemLODMin = 1.0

fItemLODDefault = 2

fActorLODMax = 15.0

fActorLODMin = 2.0

fActorLODDefault = 5

fTreeLODMax = 2.0000

fTreeLODMin = 0.0200

fTreeLODDefault = 0.5000

bLODUseCombinedLandNormalMaps = 1

bForceHideLODLand = 0

fLODLandVerticalBias = 0.0000

fTalkingDistance = 1000.0000

iBoneLODForce = -1

fLODQuadMinLoadDistance = 65536.0000

bDisplayLODTrees = 1

fLODFadeOutActorMultInterior = 1.0000

fLODFadeOutItemMultInterior = 1.0000

fLODFadeOutObjectMultInterior = 1.0000

fLODFadeOutActorMultCity = 1.0000

fLODFadeOutItemMultCity = 1.0000

fLODFadeOutObjectMultCity = 1.0000

fLODFadeOutActorMultComplex = 1.0000

fLODFadeOutItemMultComplex = 1.0000

fLODFadeOutObjectMultComplex = 1.0000



fSunGlareSize = 800.0000

fSunBaseSize = 750.0000

bPrecipitation = 1

fAlphaReduce = 1.0000

SBumpFadeColor = 255,255,255,255

SLerpCloseColor = 255,255,255,255

SEnvReduceColor = 255,255,255,255



SFileTypeLTF = ltf

SFileTypeLip = lip

SFileTypeSource = wav

SFileTypeGame = ogg



iMinGrassSize = 1

bGrassPointLighting = 0

bDrawShaderGrass = 1

iGrassDensityEvalSize = 2

iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure = 2

fWaveOffsetRange = 1.7500

fGrassWindMagnitudeMax = 125.0000

fGrassWindMagnitudeMin = 5.0000

fTexturePctThreshold = 0.0000

fGrassMinStartFadeDistance = 0.0

fGrassMaxStartFadeDistance = 7000.0

fGrassDefaultStartFadeDistance = 3500.0

fGrassFadeRange = 1000.0



bCurrentCellOnly = 0

bPreventSafetyCheck = 0

fLandTextureTilingMult = 2.0000

fLandFriction = 2.5000

iLandBorder2B = 0

iLandBorder2G = 0

iLandBorder2R = 0

iLandBorder1B = 0

iLandBorder1G = 255

iLandBorder1R = 255

SDefaultLandDiffuseTexture = DirtWasteland01.dds

SDefaultLandNormalTexture = DirtWasteland01_N.dds



fQuadraticRadiusMult = 1.0000

fLinearRadiusMult = 1.0000

bOutQuadInLin = 0

fConstantValue = 0.0000

fQuadraticValue = 16.0000

fLinearValue = 3.0000

uQuadraticMethod = 2

uLinearMethod = 1

fFlickerMovement = 8.0000

bUseQuadratic = 1

bUseLinear = 0

bUseConstant = 0



fTargetLUM = 1.0000

fUpperLUMClamp = 1.0000

fEmissiveHDRMult = 1.0000

fEyeAdaptSpeed = 0.5000

fBrightScale = 2.2500

fBrightClamp = 0.2250

fBlurRadius = 7.0000

iNumBlurpasses = 1



fTargetLUM = 1.0000

fUpperLUMClamp = 1.0000

fGrassDimmer = 1.5000

fTreeDimmer = 1.0000

fEmissiveHDRMult = 1.0000

fEyeAdaptSpeed = 0.5000

fSunlightDimmer = 1.5000

fSIEmmisiveMult = 1.0000

fSISpecularMult = 1.0000

fSkyBrightness = 0.5000

fSunBrightness = 0.0000

fBrightScale = 2.2500

fBrightClamp = 0.2250

fBlurRadius = 7.0000

iNumBlurpasses = 1

iBlendType = 2

bDoHighDynamicRange = 1



fSunlightDimmer = 1.0000

fSIEmmisiveMult = 1.0000

fSISpecularMult = 1.0000

fSkyBrightness = 0.5000

fSunBrightness = 0.0000

fAlphaAddExterior = 0.2000

fAlphaAddInterior = 0.7000

iBlurTexSize = 256

fBlurRadius = 0.0300

iNumBlurpasses = 1

iBlendType = 2

bUseBlurShader = 1



fBlurAmmount = 0.5000

fBlockedTexOffset = 0.0010

fHitTexOffset = 0.0050



bBlockMessageBoxes = 0

bSkipProgramFlows = 1

bAllowYesToAll = 1

bDisableWarning = 1

iFileLogging = 0

bSkipInitializationFlows = 1

bUseWindowsMessageBox = 0



bUseLODLandData = 0

fFadeDistance = 12288.0000

iDistantLODGroupWidth = 8



SGeneralMasterMismatchWarning = One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information.

SMasterMismatchWarning = One of the files that "%s" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message

but not necessarily fix any errors.



SMasterMiscArchiveFileName = Fallout - Misc.bsa

SMasterVoicesArchiveFileName1 = Fallout - Voices.bsa

SMasterVoicesArchiveFileName2 = Fallout - MenuVoices.bsa

SMasterSoundsArchiveFileName = Fallout - Sound.bsa

SMasterTexturesArchiveFileName1 = Fallout - Textures.bsa

SMasterMeshesArchiveFileName = Fallout - Meshes.bsa

SInvalidationFile =

iRetainFilenameOffsetTable = 1

iRetainFilenameStringTable = 1

iRetainDirectoryStringTable = 1

bCheckRuntimeCollisions = 0

bInvalidateOlderFiles = 1

bUseArchives = 1

SArchiveList = Fallout - Invalidation.bsa, ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa, Fallout - Textures.bsa, Fallout - Meshes.bsa, Fallout - Voices.bsa, Fallout - Sound.bsa, Fallout - MenuVoices.bsa, Fallout - Misc.bsa



iTake = 0

SDirectoryName = TestCameraPath

iFPS = 60

SNif = Test\CameraPath.nif



fAbsorbGlowColorB = 1.0000

fAbsorbGlowColorG = 0.6000

fAbsorbGlowColorR = 0.0000

fAbsorbCoreColorB = 1.0000

fAbsorbCoreColorG = 1.0000

fAbsorbCoreColorR = 1.0000

iAbsorbNumBolts = 1

fAbsorbBoltGrowWidth = 0.0000

fAbsorbBoltSmallWidth = 7.0000

fAbsorbTortuosityVariance = 2.0000

fAbsorbSegmentVariance = 7.0000

fAbsorbBoltsRadius = 5.0000



bFileShowTextures = 1

bFileShowIcons = 1

bFileSkipIconChecks = 0

bFileTestLoad = 0

bFileNeededMessage = 1

bFileGoneMessage = 1

bFileSkipModelChecks = 0

bFileCheckModelCollision = 0



SCopyProtectionMessage2 = Insert the Fallout Disc.

SCopyProtectionTitle2 = Fallout Disc Not Found

SCopyProtectionMessage = Unable to find a CD-ROM/DVD drive on this computer.

SCopyProtectionTitle = CD-ROM Drive Not Found



fBlurRadiusPipboy = 3.5

fBlurIntensityPipboy = 0.25

fScanlineScalePipboy = 50

bEnableFlickerPipboy = 1

bUsePipboyMode = 1



fDefaultBurstDuration = 200

fDefaultBurstIntensity = 2

fMiniBurstDuration = 200

fMiniBurstIntensity = 1.5

fPulseBrightenIntensity = 0.25

fPulseRadiusIntensity = 0.5

fPulseRate = 0.0006

fVertHoldChance = 0.08

fShudderChance = 0.20

fScanlineScaleMenus = 50.0000

bEnableFlickerMenus = 1

bEnableScanlinesMenus = 1

bEnableScanlinesPipboy = 1

fBlurRadiusMenus = 0.3000

fBrightenMenus = 1.7000

fBrightenPipboy = 1.3000

bUseImageSpaceMenuFX = 1

fBlurIntensityHUD = 1.2000

fBlurRadiusHUD = 2.0000

fScanlineFrequencyHUD = 0.0000

fScreenLightBaseIntensity = 0.6

fScreenLightRadius = 6



bUseRenderedTerminals = 1

fRenderedTerminalFOV = 0.15

fRenderedTerminalZoom = 36

bDoRenderedTerminalScanlines = 1

fRenderedTerminalScanlineScale = 130.000000

fRenderedTerminalHPos = 0.0

fRenderedTerminalVPos = 0.38

fScreenLightBaseIntensity = 1.2

fScreenLightRadius = 80

fScreenLightColorR = 0.68

fScreenLightColorG = 0.74

fScreenLightColorB = 0.62

fRaceSexMenuHPos = 0.0

fRaceSexMenuVPos = -0.6

fRaceSexMenuZoom = 70.0

fRaceSexMenuScale = 0.5



uMaxDecalCount = 100

bProfileDecals = 0

bDecalOcclusionQuery = 1



fSplitDistanceMult = 0.75

fBlockMorphDistanceMult = 0.70

bUseNewTerrainSystem = 1

bUseDistantObjectBlocks = 1

fBlockLoadDistance = 125000.0

fDefaultBlockLoadDistanceLow = 50000.0

fLowBlockLoadDistanceLow = 25000.0

fHighBlockLoadDistanceLow = 50000.0

fDefaultTreeLoadDistance = 25000.0

fLowTreeLoadDistance = 10000.0

fHighTreeLoadDistance = 40000.0



fVATSLightLevelMin = 20.0

fVATSLightLevelMax = 65.0

fVATSLightAngle = 0.0

fVATSLightDistance = 100.0

fVATSLightElevation = 100.0

fVatsLightColorR = 0.35

fVatsLightColorG = 0.35

fVatsLightColorB = 0.35



bScreenSplatterEnabled = 1




copy and paste that into your ini file located in the user\document\My Games \fallout 3 folder.

this is my dev copy of my NON ENB series version of my graphics design studio for fallout 3.

when your done and the game is working, I'll remove this.


Edited by Purr4me
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hmmm second time it have xlive.dll by viewing your way

But the game still freezes :mad: (somehow alt tab did work but couldn't close anything)

I like really really really love this game and want to play again,


(on oblivion I had a few problem but I fixed it, I have a little bit mod knowlodge)

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can you upload your saved game for me to test? 2shared.com is where I can download from without cost. I get charged for data transfers here and I am at or near my quota. I have maybe 200 + MB left available to use, then....no internet for me.


I can see if I ca reproduce what is going on here with your saved data.

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I need to tidy up another thread I posted on and I'll be back, a little self moderation and curtsey extended .


I 'll rip out the bad code if any in your saved game or find where the fault is . not many can do this or are willing to do it. I have the time.



EDIT: post link when ready, I work very fast so don't be too surprised this gets done quickly.

"" "", game directory built under user name, files assembled and waiting for core source.


Edited by Purr4me
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Verify your e-mail address to upload files.

been waiting since I read your post , made it resend and stuff...


looks like its like everything is buggy today lol



Its almost the next morning so I wont be here for long


edit: it has been 1 hour , still no e-mail tomorrow I will upload the save (hope that is okey (=

Edited by DutchGreenWizard
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