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A better strafing animation


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Hello super-duper mod-makers and everyone else.

Here's a simple request about something that I'm sure has bothered most of people who played Fallout 3. The running animation of your character when you use forward run and then hold "strafe left/right" key isn't as good as it could've been. You know, the feet just keep running straight forward when they should change the stepping direction. It was the ONLY thing that looked plain stupid and didn't fit the overall polished greatness of the game.

I hope that somebody will be able to fix it. It doesn't seem like a very complex thing to add additional animation because I know there are mods that make models dance and even *cough* mate, but imma no0b and might be plain wrong.

Anyway, that's what I'd like to get changed in Fallout 3 the most.


P.S.: I apologize if I'm repeating an already posted request.

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That'd be possible I'm sure.


Just script the animation to activate when w + a is pressed, or w + d or something and stop when they're not pressed anymore.


It would just be a matter of rotating the forward run animation, really. I'm surprised no one has done this yet.

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