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Environmental lighting would be easy


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I think the whole reason why there's no environmental shadows is because there's nothing in the environment actually generating light.


Maybe put some super powerful light in the sky that dims/changes colors/disappears depending on the time of the day to be replaced by a different light from the "moon"? Not only would that add environmental shadows, but add an immersive feel to the different times of the day. Sunsets would be fricken' sweet. The landscape would get that orange glow, with light cast over broken and desolate buildings and rubble.


I'm just curious as to whether the light will be loaded if you're in a different cell. Is there a way to make an object loaded to matter where you are in the world? Would be pretty cool effect. I know in Oblivion there's a mod that makes objects be loaded that otherwise wouldn't be.


A mod like this wouldn't require any more resources. Just 30 minute in the GECK with some scripting knowledge, and a little experience. So it would be easier than other mods that have been made, which makes it shocking that this hasn't been made yet.


My guess is making a mod that adds environmental shadows would go like..

1. Disable the current lighting for days/nights

2. Create a super powerful light source that remains loaded and active no matter where you are in the world, excluding interiors.

3. Script the light source to move, change colors, and disappear. Done possibly by just creating multiple light sources, and basing the script on disable/enable events triggered by times of the day.


The way it is now is some universal brightness on everything crap. So while light has an effect on objects, it can't create a shadow since there's already a preset brightness everywhere. Take away that environmental lighting, and everything is pretty much pitch-black except for whatever light sources are around. Add a huge light source and BAM. SHADOWS. Natural ones. Where the light doesn't shine the light does not shine.


Bethesda has been using the same environmental lighting effects since Morrowind, and that is totally not cool. Back in Morrowind's days there was some hardware limitations. Specifically because it was also released on the X-box, which probably couldn't handle anything more than the faked-shadows. Since then, I think they're idea was "Don't fix what isn't broke." 'Course they're motto is also "Don't fix what is broke" but I digress..


Is there something I don't know about that would prevent someone from making something like this? Seems like a pretty straightforward thing.

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