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Insanity VS Evil

Marcus Wolfe


12 members have voted

  1. 1. Who wins?

    • Evil
    • Insanity

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Of course insanity wins, it's more fun to start with (whibble), but it is possible to be Evil and not Insane just it is extremely rare and more often then not evil will lead the person to insanity for evil makes the mind change and the changes it breeds can ever lead to a clear but twisted view or a spyrul down into insanity.
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Of course insanity wins, it's more fun to start with (whibble

I'd rather be evil than insane.Insanity can get you locked away and you have no recollection of things you do or say,you may not remember family or friends and insane people at times hurt themselves.

Evil can be a choice,insanity is no choice.you can stop being evil,but insanity lasts a lifetime.

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Today in chemistry, I read about Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. I discerned this from it:


We know that the electrons in an atom must be somewhere within certain orbitals.


We know where in the orbital an electron is likely to be at any given time.


We can never know where an electron is in an orbital at any given time.


That's the difference between insanity and evil.

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Stryfe makes a good point. Like the enemy o the middle east,who destroys americans with commercial planes.. First glance,these guys are evil as it gets,but research says these guys are following their own religion, to the point of giving their own life to honor their faith. To us they may be evil,and to them we may be evil, but in truth there is no such thing,only the idea of.


Now,there is a clear difference between insanity and knowing what is right and what is wrong. a crazy man will kill daily. eat his breakfest cereals, watch the toons with the kids.. then go out for a brisk walk while chewing on human intestines,not thinking twice about it..maybe even waving to the horrified neighbor that caught him in the act.. this is just plain crazy,complete insanity.


A man wakes up one day and notices his xbox is missing.. with a note next to his bed reading "sorry bro, but i miss online play really bad". The man goes into a rage,grabs an aluminium bat and goes for a walk. 3 hours later the cops arrive to a neighbors distress call and find a battered mans body, blood and guts all over and misplaced xbox games everywhere. The man has killed his brother..and is hiding in the bathroom silently,while listening to the cops search..(not to forget he's holding on tightly to his recovered xbox). This shows signs of intelligence.. pre-meditated murder and the fact that he is hiding shows that he knows he has commited a wrong deed which nulls him being crazy and if he is arrested will most likely get molested by the court system.

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insanity is merly a vine of evil streching out endlessly but insanity being worse is wrong in my opinion as someone pointed out insanity is unpredictible and evil is cold and calculating. So are you saying that a group of insane people attacking you is worse than a group of evil people? the insane people could easily turn on each other. so could the evil people but I now think that the two are equally bad. and by the way not everyone can stop being evil. also as stated all of humanity is evil and don't think I'm suicidal I love being EVIL!
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