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Merge NPC .nif for me

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It's really saddening, no one's too friendly with me on here. So I can't really find someone to nifmerge my follower for me.

You can take full credit on the follower if you help me complete it. It's a really beautiful follower. I'm in desperate need of help.

The process has been filled with errors and I've put so much work into it. It'd really be such a shame to see everything go to waste. ):

Message me if you'd like to help, I can't just post the files here or it's likely to get ripped.

Edited by xXDeliteXx
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If you post the files here and someone rips them then they will be banned for it. The posted files would be proof enough for that.


I myself have no clue what you mean by merging nif's. You need to explain what you want merged in far more detail so people know what you need help with.

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If you post the files here and someone rips them then they will be banned for it. The posted files would be proof enough for that. I myself have no clue what you mean by merging nif's. You need to explain what you want merged in far more detail so people know what you need help with.

I just need some one to use this program for me, using to two FaceGen .nifs


Simples as that lol. Doing this should fix the gray face bug I'm constantly getting.

Edit: The reason I can't do it is because the program won't run on Windows 8.


(Lol I don't care what anyone says, but this is why Windows XP was the best)

Edited by xXDeliteXx
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