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A script im workin on


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So Im trying to sort something out.I made a creature that after it dies it respawns and cant die as part of a quest. What im trying to do is make it that only a specific arrow or weapon can kill it permanently but i cant seem to do it.PLease message me if u have a solution.


So maybe putting your request for help on a mod would get more answers if it were in a forum for help with mods rather than one for site feedback.


Moved (I think this relates to Oblivion and Not FO3)


Bben46, Moderator

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What if you were to put some code in the creature's object script which were to disable the creature at a point shortly after the time when you permanently kill it with the special arrow or weapon? You could set it so it will not disable while you are looking at it. You would have to leave the cell, or be at a certain distance or something ( GetIsInCell, Player.GetDistance )


The disabling might sort of be cheating. You would have to work out the script right so that it seemed realistic. The disabling would be triggered by the weapon, not the death. That means you would have to deal with the problem of what if the creature was wounded but did not die. He would be disabled when out of your sight anyway, and that would be wrong. I guess you could make the special weapon absolutely fatal to this creature so it could not be wounded and survive.


The trigger I have in mind for the disabling would be something like this code placed on your creature's object script:


If HasMagicEffect RSNW == 1
 set DisableVariable to 1 
	;RSNW is Resist Normal Weapons, an effect very rare to find in a weapon.
	;You could use any really rare effect on your special weapon.

If ( DisableVariable == 0 && [Condition to make sure PC not in same cell.] && [Your conditions for reanimating your dead creature]
 [Reanimate dead creature]


I don't really know the specifics of your situation, but maybe this will give you some ideas.

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...or you could create a script in order to control your creture's HP (health)... for example you could make it un-killable with normal weapons and if the player has equiped your specific weapon then its HP could fall normally. A bit lazzy to post a script at the moment. but it's not hard to figure it out if you're familiar with this kind of stuff.
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un-killable with normal weapons


But this would make it killable with enchanted weapons and silver or daedric weapons. There would need to be some way to deal with that problem.


Are you thinking of having a script which would make the creature essential, except when the specific weapon is equipped? That part would be easy to script, but the creature is supposed to be able to die as many times as you kill it, but always respawn unless the special weapon is used.


If Player.GetEquipped SuperSpecialAwesomeSword 1
 SetEssential GrendlesMother 0

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un-killable with normal weapons


But this would make it killable with enchanted weapons and silver or daedric weapons. There would need to be some way to deal with that problem.


Are you thinking of having a script which would make the creature essential, except when the specific weapon is equipped? That part would be easy to script, but the creature is supposed to be able to die as many times as you kill it, but always respawn unless the special weapon is used.


If Player.GetEquipped SuperSpecialAwesomeSword 1
 SetEssential GrendlesMother 0


When I said normal I meant all the known in game weapons besides a specific one the player would use created by our modder. ;0) Setting creature as essential is not a bad solution but not a good solution either. Getting a creature unconsious doesn't make it special. From the other hand making it immortal by tweaking its HP in real time by a script would make the whole thing more intersting.

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