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TLM Poerty


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A wile back I used to write some. Looking around I picked maybe I will post a few for people to see.



No title as of yet.


Each string a life,

Each string a death,

Let the harp's melody be your friend,

Follow the music to your fate,

And bask in the glory of non escape,

For who we are,

And for what we can,

Let the harp be your friend,

It's strings are strong,

So pluck away,

Untill the time comes,

To be taken away.





Below is older stuff





I walk alone,

I'm my life im all alone,

No one cares,

How I act,

Or what I think,

Or what I do,

My life is my own,

We are all alone till we find love,

But that is something I have not found,

So im alone and alone,

I shall be,

Till someone finds me



I walk like you,

I talk like you,

I walk in your shoes,

You have made me,

You have trained me,

You have forced me,

You want me to be you,

I am me,

And only me,

I am not you,

I am me,

I wont be lost,

I wont be someone else,

I am me and only me,

Dont try to change me,

Dont try to make me,

Just like you.




I have some more but I would have to dig it up.

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