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BSA Conversions


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I've been recently converting all of my downloded mods to BSA format, as I personally think its a lot tidier and also it means I don't have to worry about overwriting files in the data folder, and then find that if I want to remove a mod not only do I deactivate that, but also every other mod it overwrote... then reactivate them... again.... in a specific order. I shuddered at the thought of a reinstall.


My main problem at the moment is regarding how to get BSA converted retexture mods like QTP3 (that don't have an esp) to work ingame. I know about the basic rules of BSAing from reading up on the forums ie: 2GB max // add to oblivion.ini // name exactly same as esp.... etc etc, but I found that doesn't force the retextures to override the vanilla.


I even tried creating a dummy esp, which does load the corresponding bsa, but I found that unless the esp has a reference to one of the retextured files, nothing happens. If this is the case, then would I only need to reference one retex file, or all?


Also, I have my copy of QTP3 split into 3 BSAs to cater for the 2GB limit, how would I go about creating just 1 esp that would utilise all 3 BSAs.... and work in game?


I've managed to get every other mod using an esp to work as BSA (OOO, Cobl, UOP + every race, armour + weapon mod I have). I feel it's something that should be really easy to do, but I've hit noob mode.

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I did think about that, but then I'd have to do the same with other replacement mods like DarkUI DarN etc, and tbh that would start to get a tad messy for my liking ;) Especially if I wanted to change to a diferent DarkUI colour (I switch between a couple of the recolurs for variation)
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I did think about that, but then I'd have to do the same with other replacement mods like DarkUI DarN etc, and tbh that would start to get a tad messy for my liking ;) Especially if I wanted to change to a diferent DarkUI colour (I switch between a couple of the recolurs for variation)


Well, not all mods should be BSA'ed. Too many BSAs can lead to trouble if the combined amount of ESMs, ESPs and BSAs exceed 375.

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yeah I read that too... but I only run about 150 mods maxxed, so even if I BSA'd all with an esp each it would be less than 320ish including DLCs and vanilla files. Its not a major issue, but it would be nice to have that knowledge ;)
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