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purple textures when ever ive replaced textures


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I've been modding for a while, but iv never re-textured anything, but i want to learn how, ive looked at so many tutorials it's not even funny, but i cant find the solution, so please some one help me

these are the directorys for mesh and texture

C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\Textures\clutter\signs\monimalssign.dds (and _n)

C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\meshes\clutter\signs\monimalssign.nif

the only part that shows up purplypink ingame is the actual sign part (the only part i have changed)

attached is a screenshot of the mesh in nifscope

please some one help me, ive been trying to figure this out for a few weeks now, with any number of different meshes and textures, the only thing i am actually able to do is create a replacement texture for an already made mesh, that works fine, but to create a brand new texture seems to be impossible, any help is very greatly appreciated

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Offhand, the texture paths at blocks 13 and 31 don't look right. 13 has "architecture\farmhouse\fireplankwide01.dds". Shouldn't it be "textures\architecture\farmhouse\fireplankwide01.dds"? The path in 31 is "clutter\signs\monimalssign.dds". Again the "textures" directory seems to be left out. Also, check the spelling for your new texture "monimalssign.dds", Make sure it matches the actual file's name.


I'm just guessing here. I don't know if you set up a custom directory structure or not.

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Offhand, the texture paths at blocks 13 and 31 don't look right. 13 has "architecture\farmhouse\fireplankwide01.dds". Shouldn't it be "textures\architecture\farmhouse\fireplankwide01.dds"? The path in 31 is "clutter\signs\monimalssign.dds". Again the "textures" directory seems to be left out. Also, check the spelling for your new texture "monimalssign.dds", Make sure it matches the actual file's name.


I'm just guessing here. I don't know if you set up a custom directory structure or not.

yeah, thats from extracting the bsa, i forgot to mention that, when ever i use the little flowerish button to browse for the file, and select it in 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\Textures\clutter\signs'

i get that, is it not suposed to? and the reason the wood is like that is i was doing an experiment to see if i could change the directory to its equivilant in the extracted textures folder, and it didnt work, that particual part of the mesh is now a pink texture as well

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I've been having this same problem for a while, I think it may be connected with my texture pack, because I unpacked my .BSA and then installed QTP 3.

Because I couldn't find any advice on the topic, I just haven't bothered trying to texture any new objects. It's a real shame to. Any one with any advice would be appreciated.

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I've been having this same problem for a while, I think it may be connected with my texture pack, because I unpacked my .BSA and then installed QTP 3.

Because I couldn't find any advice on the topic, I just haven't bothered trying to texture any new objects. It's a real shame to. Any one with any advice would be appreciated.


hey, thats kinda what i did, but i don't really want to give up just yet

im still hoping some one has a solution :]

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Hey, I had a thought, have you tried creating a new .bsa with your texture in it?

It used to work that way for me (it doesn't now), the reason I ask is no one ever explains that part, (to be honest i don't even know if it's usually necessary), but it may be just what you need to do.

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i forgot to mention that, when ever i use the little flowerish button to browse for the file, and select it in 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\Textures\clutter\signs'

i get that, is it not suposed to?

You may have set up hard (or absolute) file paths. You should use relative paths. Double-click the file path you mentioned and edit the path to be "Textures\clutter\signs".


Absolute paths won't work for those who installed Oblivion in a different directory.

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