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Exclamtion marks everywhere.


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I'm using Fallout 1.6 with about 200 mods installed and all DLC content. The problem I'm describing is something I have never experienced before and has only happened in the past couple of days. Some time before this problem my game has been crashing on exit every time.


Once I fast-traveled to Megaton and saved there. Reloading the save at another time I noticed a couple of NPCs enclosed by a red box with a white exclamation mark. Selecting a weapon would put a red box on my PCs back. I opened my pipboy only to find that the world screen was now a purple blank with the locations just white boxes. I could select a box but no menu would show. Pressing escape would not bring up my options menu either. The only way to exit the game was to use the qqq command in the console.


I loaded an earlier save and reentered Megaton, while everything looked fine, I entered my house and saw red boxed exclamations everywhere. I left the house and selected a weapon but its textures were messed up.


I tried rebooting my system, loaded an earlier save and reentered Megaton again. All looked fine and I was able to clear out some unique items and move to a new location (Fort Freeway - a mod) . I saved there and fast traveled to Oasis then walked outside only to see more red boxed in the wasteland.


Simply put I'm starting to find corrupted textures and red boxes usually in the same places.


Does this mean Fallout's core files have been corrupted? What might have caused it?

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These Exclamation marks usually indicate missing textures or meshes. Now that you have 200 mods + DLC`s one of the mods might have deleted existing textures/meshes.

You can try to disable all mods and if this still occurs the core textures/meshes have probably been corrupted or deleted. Otherwise a reinstallation should fix it.

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