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no gnr :O


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Not too easy to understand. Did you have GNR all over the land before you got Broken Steel? Did you have it all over before you got the extra music mod?


Did you do the ThreeDog quest to restore the broadcasting dish? Because GNR has a limited range until you do (apologies if you already knew that ;)).

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uhm sorry for not being so cleare well i had gnr galacsy news stadio att the beginign and iv done the quest with the disc three dog is alive and the mod have worked a long time now but i dont now when it was lost but its not even on the menu in radio its not even grey lik it was not aiveble its not there and radios makes no sound i thin it worked some time after broken steel to dont remember


is this a posibilty iw was pretty bored to walk to all lokatins on point lokout so iv used codes like movetoqt and coc megatoncomonhose to get back home and when i think about it gnr is not aiveble at pointlokout so maybe it didnt notice thath iv moved to the capitol waste land hmm im going to point lokout to see if i can get a signal


thx fore the help


and sorry fore bad speling im swedish :)

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works now iv yust traveled to pointlokout and then back simple huh enyway thx fore not ruin a hole topic with poo like facepunch iv asked 1 simple thing and iv got 3 replyes thath was some ting and 25 thath was poo like ad speling now thaths enoying :thanks: :thanks:


and sorry fore double reply :unsure:

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