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More Survivors.


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I love this game, but it seems a shame that there is not more good people in the game, more people to rescue other people just trying to make it after the war, All you have are the stupid raiders, why cant there be a mod that puts more people into the game, you come across them fighting the raiders, helping you side by side all the vaults you come across that have been opened and yet no one from them vaults wander the wasteland to seek other survivors.

Take Washington D.C massive place yet no survivors only raiders and super mutants yet you never see them fighting each other well maybe once or twice.

Be good if more buildings in the D.C Ruins were opened up and you could go in and meet other survivors, trade weapons and stuff like that maybe help them on a scouting party to get supplies, i have played this game 20+ times over and over again and the D.C Ruins seem so empty, and the brotherhood of steel are so bloody miserable, is there any chance a modder out there could possibly change the population of the D.C Ruins please. :thanks:

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I don't have any plans on putting people in the D.C. ruins, but I have a lot of stuff I am working on out in the western area of the map


I think the game is quite emptly, and really, overall depressing to think that all that is left of humanity is this... So that is why I decided to make my mod



I am adding 25 NPCs eventually, all of which will have full dialogue and everything.


If you want to check it out, the link is here http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showto...t=0&start=0

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