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Crippled People.


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Yeah, that's not as noticable with some helmets though so probably overlooked.



Would it be too hard to rig a character to be missing an arm? I'm trying to figure out if it's even possible because I want to make an NPC who's missing an arm.

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I don't know. You're asking the wrong person, maybe someone else would know. Honestly though, and I'm taking a wild guess here, unless it's a specially made scripted NPC like Harold the talking tree, I doubt you'd be able to do it 'easily'. The games mechanics seem to classify a body as 'dead' when it loses a limb. It may be hard coded like VATS so I don't see it happening - but then again, I may be totally wrong.
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I made a comment here earlier. What the hell happened to it?


;D ;D ;D



But anyways, it wouldn't change the animations, and the end of the arm would look weird, but you could always just throw an opacity map ontop of the left arm, the arm would still be there, but you wouldn't see it.


Might be weird if you shot his left arm in vats though...

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It doesnt need to be a custom race, just a custom armor for a specific npc, can be made umplayable.


It would not effect rigging at all. Just make sure its not the right arm and that the npc only uses pistols.


You can do pretty much any sorta that kinda cool stuff. like making a pegleg just make sure that the rigid part of the leg is only weighted to one bone so it doesnt look all bendy.


well come to think of it, the reload animation would be strange.. how about make them only use a combat knife or something.




Silly me, i forgot about the hands. you could probably make an invisible glove to hide that part :biggrin:

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