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Help With Screwed Up Male Skin Textures When Clothed!!!


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Hey all, as stated in the post title I seem to be getting screwed up strange textures on just the men who have visible skin under their clothes.


There seems to be part of the texture missing from the neck and arm, and instead has a weird replacement of a few big pairs of teeth!!!!


It is only apparent on the males, and i'm not sure if it happened after installing the 'Prostitution' nude pack, or breezy's FO3 males. I have also tried putting roberts males on to see if it helps, but only affects my character and not the other males.


Please see the attached pictures, and please help me if you can!

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those are toenails not teeth.


Its just because your using a texture made for roberts or breezes body replacers. There is a different uv map layout than vanilla, so you get that on the skin parts of your vanilla outfits that have not been converted to your body.


I figure you could just extract the vanilla body texture and all the outfit nifs from your bsas, make a separate path for vanilla body texture, and set each nif to use that texture for the skin parts using just nifskope.


Kinda tedious work wonder if someone has actually done that.


Your alternative is to actually convert each vanilla outfit to the body mod. This would take more time and is also tedious but people would be thankful when you upload it.




These armor fixes have been done by the original mod authors. look for "armor fix"



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Hmm, pretty sure i'd applied those, just did it again and can't see any 'nails' on Moriarty anymore! So, was this due to one of the mods applying new maps to just my body and then the NPC bodies not having the same map, hence the textures suited for my body would not match the NPC map?


In all of this I seem to have replaced some of the textures/meshes for 'My' playable body, which are not the ones that I wanted. I was just trying to fiddle to make things right. If I now copy over the files that I originally wanted for my PC would this cause the same problem again on the NPC's? Don't really want to wreck them now that they aren't semi-mutated with toe-nails in their neck...

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No, I dont think you ever did install the armor fix because if you had that and the wrong body texture file you would not see the toenails on the shoulder. you might see invisible body parts or featureless tan colored body parts instead.


go ahead and try the texture you want and see if it works fine. probably does. If not, revert back to the texture that was supplied with the armor fix.


Or if you want to use your custom texture you can quite easily because all the armor meshes have had the uv map shifted over to the left.


Just get GIMP free image manipulator program and install the dds plugin.

Open the texture from the armor fix and you will notice that there is an extra body texture in the upper left corner, this is the vanilla body texture.


Open up the texture you want to use and copy just the vanilla body texture to the upper left corner of your texture.

repeat with the normal maps, they will be hard to see but just use the rectangle select to get the same part and copy it over.


enjoy. :biggrin:

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