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This or That?


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guys! choose one of your choices. don't make up choices unless you really feel the urge for it.

y'all keep this attitude and the game rules'll go boom.




chips or fries?


Here! Here! VTW. Well said. It's Corlan's fault, lol :tongue: But seriously though we need to stick to the choices or it changes the game! :thumbsup:


Fries! Because you can get waffle fries, seasoned fries, skinny fries, thick cut fries, et. al. They're versatile and more filling :happy:



Ghost or Poltergeist?

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Fruits- lucious, sweet, good times, good times :biggrin:


Rocking chair or big La-Z-E Boy recliner?

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Yeah, I couldn't think of anything. Anyway rocking chair, it sounds less complicated to me, yet I'm very complicated, of course that would be obvious. :turned:


Rotten eggs, or green ham? (This isn't food coloring for the ham by the way.)

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Pyromaniac- See the pretty, pretty flames, smell the smoke rolling in from the woods down the way. We'll be warmed by the fire tonight. Plotting more diabolical deeds in the dancing firelight!


I know, I know, I made it up off the top of my head, it ain't perfect, lol


Sweet 'n Sour or Spicy Hot?

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