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This or That?


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Iggy bottom.




Half full or half empty glasses?


Philosophical/chemical, I see no empty glass, because the glass itself is always full with air (oops..nearly typed gas) :sick:


...unless you fill it H²O to one half it is half full of water and half full of air. :wink:




@Netwit2008 about the song


"A fish is animal that swims in a brook,


he can't write his name or read a book,


to fool the people is his only thought,


and though he's slippery he still gets caught.


and if that the sort of life you wish


you may grow up to be a fish."




Question or answer?

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Taco reminds me of my next meal. :woot:


P.S. CommanderCrazy One "2" too many 2 hydrogen and 1 (and only one) oxygen molecules. What you brewed in your alchemy lab, I wouldn't drink, (hydrogen peroxide) sorry the :geek: :geek: s in me did shortly had the upper hand. (*Aside to the the group of Doctors* "Now get back to the box you live in and come back when you found the formula of something I really wanna drink. Let's say Cappuccino with nice cream on top please!")


that reminds me there's something missing


Cappuccino or Latte macchiato?

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@Netwit2008 about the song


"A fish is animal that swims in a brook,


he can't write his name or read a book,


to fool the people is his only thought,


and though he's slippery he still gets caught.


and if that the sort of life you wish


you may grow up to be a fish."


Thanks Silver. I guess fish is not what I want after all, lol All I could remember of the song was "a blank is an animal....." :happy:


Ok, Cappuccino for me.


Decapitation or being Impaled? :pinch:

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Since I stated before that I don't like holes, made with pogo sticks, at end of my back and thus always wear Titanium full plate underwear. (for more than one reason alone) 


I like a nice clean Decapitation so I can join the the headless hunt in the afterlife.


Demon or Devil ?



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