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Halo Spartans or actual Spartans


Halo Spartans; they're less dangerous, plus they can fire lasers that can destroy entire buildings.


Halo Reach or Halo 3?

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I think everyone knows that bacon is the winner here.


Tomato: Fruit or Vegetable?


[this would be a good debate topic too]


By definition, a tomato is a fruit as it has seeds inside it. I also cite the presence of citric acid in it which is also found in grapefruits, oranges and lemons (to name a few). The reason tomatoes are considered veg by most is the fact they do not grow on trees or bushes like other fruits. This is odd considering the melons are also considered fruits even though they are actually gourds by definition (grows from a gound-based vine and has a hard outer rind).


But I say tomatoes are a fruit.


Water Ballons or Water Pistols?


Fun fact about tomtoes - up until a few centuries ago, the tomato was thought to be poisonous (they were caled "Wolf Apples"). The reason? The tomato is a "kissin' cousin" to the plant atropa belladonna commonly know as either Belladonna or Nightshade - a plant which is highly toxic (the most toxic plant in the western hemisphre). Injesting a few of it's berries can kill a full grown man in a few hours. :sick:

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Water balloons! They do more damage, plus when they don't explode they hurt like hell! (Personnal Experiance, somewhere I will not say.)


Bacon, or worlds biggest big being turned into thousands of slices of bacon?


Bet the pain drove you nuts :wink:


Thousands of bacon strips (it's impossible, I know, but we can dream, yeah?)


"Pulp Ficton" or "Kill Bill"?

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