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Not to sound ungrateful..


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...but really, 22kb/s download speed? With very occasional spikes to 60kb/s? I understand you have to encourage people to get premium memberships in order to keep the site running, but it does say the DL speed is capped at 150kb/s. Certainly server load has to be taken into account, but if Im working it out right the time in Texas is 11am right now, and the working day has only just ended in the UK/Europe, so it's hardly peak time.


At this rate, even just downloading the recommended basic mods from the lists on the official forums will take several days of continual downloading.


Is this just what to expect from the free servers? Or is the speed normally closer to the maximum?


For the record, Im running no additional programs, my firewall is correctly set up and I have a 20mb connection, so I doubt it's my end.


EDIT: Hrrm ok, it seems to be a specific issue. When I select a file to download and it pops up with the "select a server" menu, I get terrible speeds(Ive tried both options), however sometimes I click the file and get sent straight to the "your download is starting" window, and in those cases I almost always hit the cap.

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The smaller files, i.e. those under 2megs are downloaded directly from the server and usually run quick as there are no caps on it. But there really is no slow time on the site, we have members from around the world so the site is usually quite active.


The other non premium servers are capped at 150, that does not mean you will get 150....you will get whatever the server bandwidth will allow at that time. Normally I don't use the free servers.....as when I am logged in I cannot even see them. But I will try on a non admin account and see what I get. I am in the middle of the US, while you are in Scotland so my results may be different from what you get due to congestion on the net itself.


Just downloaded a 6meg file, with an average speed of 75kbs on both servers about 230 users on each when I checked. On the premium servers I am maxed out at 160kbs, that is the max my connection speed will allow from here. The premium only server I have had it maxed out at 1.9mbs from another location. But I have had them at the 150kbs cap on several occasions.


Our premium members defray a great portion of the sites expenses and the fees are quite reasonable as well. Not just the downloads at better speeds but other functionality and features as well. Unlike other sites where you are inundated with advertising, here you will get only one popup until you log in, and then only one per page view it is small in the top right corner. These are not seen by premium members, additionally a larger pm amount is allowed to be kept on the site, there is also download manager and accelerator support on the premium only dedicated server.


Here is a link to a more definitive description of the features and the cost involved, it is your choice if it is worth it to you and I am in no way soliciting premium membership....just showing what they get.


I download every file that is uploaded to this family of sites (ok I miss one now and again) to check and ensure the files are viable on download, using Download Them All for firefox it takes me a couple of hours of them running in the background to get them all.



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