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Voice Acting


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In some modders forums, there are threads were texts are posted and you would post your sound files of you voice acting theese text. And you would get comments to tell if its good, bad, what is wright, wrong, etc. But I'm not aware there is such a thread on nexus. I'm so new however.
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The hard part is the technical aspect. Getting the voice files into the mods. Have you ever noticed how so very few mods have voice acting?


I think you would be a great voice actor. If you can put any voices at all into mods, you are doing better than 95% of modders.


I want to download and play your mod when you are done.

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Most voice acting work simply requires you to record the sound files and then send them off to the modder and they process and master them, at least that's what I do in my mods.


You need a good microphone and Audacity at the very least. Myself, I use a Sure SM57 with a windscreen through an 8 channel Firepod into Cubase software. That's only because I use that rig to record my entire band. It works out very nicely for voice work.


If you use a desktop mic you need a really good one. You can pay anywhere from $60-$600.

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