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Questions about EW's modding front, among other quesitons.


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Alright, I'll say this straight off, I apologise if these questions have been answered a multitude of times, but all I've found are ones about hex and doggin' EU, something I stuffed up long ago... Amazing EW works flawlessly... No clue, probs UDT5 (Update 5) or something trival. Anyway, I was curious as to a multitude of things;


(Just a quick FYI, I've already unlocked the "loose" files to play with to my endless spasms of insane challanging modding to the point of engine destruction, erh... desires.


Firstly; which files REQUIRE old school methods of modding for the newly changed EW files?


Secondly; which upk's are commonly used for items, aliens/characters, maps and etc.

2nd B; more detailed information require on this please, like which should be edited for 'X' modding (AI away from the maps upk, stuff like that)?


Thirdly; is there some collection of information about EW modding, like on the wikia of "tesXCOMnexus"? Namely something that shoots directly at the loose love Firaxis sorta gave EW, instead of mass posts of hexing this and that.


Fourthly; how does one go about editing in items, crazy things and modified weaponary using the standard coding and models (not making models or anything, just want a shotty meets the Sectopod's barrage attack, lol).


Fifthly; is there anything I should be aware of when modding EW? Not the typical stuff like 'modding certain things screws the game entirely' or 'changes only show on a freshly made game and will only have limits on save games prior to changes' and stuff. Did my research (sort of) on this stuff, just haven't found any "NEIN! THEE SHALL NEVAH MOD!" Kind of things, lol. Yes, that was a joke, FYI...


Sixthly (**** this list is getting big...); is it possible to make universal changes, e.g. Classic and Easy having the same HQ funding, but without having four extra lines? Like, pretty much one line to control all four difficulties.


Seventhly; Balance. I'm not exactly good at balancing stuff, and just wanted some basic examples of finding out what's overkill, underkilled and just right, solo is the prefered method, unless I start to unleash my *cough* insanity *cough* mods.


Eightly; Thanks you all VERY much for taking your time to read through this mass wall and answering them and any proceeding questions I may have. Hopefully I've posted this to the right topic... Erh, sorry to both devs, on-lookers and readers for this accident, if that's the case.

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Cheers for referring me to this, but I was more over looking for guides and such more over referring towards the ini's en masse and more geared towards EW's flexibility as opposed to EU's standard over zeal approach towards modding.


Again thanks, but most of this I've read or have skimmed through, but like usual, it's heavily aim at just EU, and considering EW's the new tide with much more flexible stuff, it's sure being neglected on so many fronts (no offence intended to any other modders or players, just simply saying that's it seems like EW is just getting neglected all around).


If I seem stubborne, it's just the way I am, not meaning to be either.


(...So find that quote cheesy as hell when anyone else besides the VA for Central's says it... lol)


EDIT: Just guessing I haven't looked through the forums much yet, or have only stumbled upon the outdated EU modding threads...

Edited by BlackenedSickheart
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Every single thing that applies to EU applies to EW. The inis are mostly unchanged, with only minor things added, and then the newly customizable skill trees. Pretty much everything else is a minor change. The UPK modding is almost entirely the same, and most of the differences are just "added a bug fix here". The biggest change that I've dealt with is Training Roulette and what it did to the coding of the class systems. Overall, not much has changed.


The only main outdated file is the list of DefaultGameCore.ini settings, which we've not updated in ages AFAIK. Half the stuff in there seems to be old, and some is inaccurate. If I wasn't such a terrible and lazy person, I might update it myself...

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EW isn't much more flexible than EU. You still need to work with bytecode to make some significant changes. INI files now have cover bonuses and overwatch penalties... minor changes, as Krazyguy75 already said. Most of those can be figured out by parameter name and comments.
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