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Weapon turning static and hovering


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So, yeah. I've modelled and textured my own sword...


I then hunted down a tutorial on making the weapon work in a game and followed its instructions exactly - making the havok mesh, importing it to nifskope, setting everything...


but for some reason, even with all of the material properties set of OL_WEAPON it still hovers at waist height when I place it in-game.


I can pick it up, and once I have it in my inventory it's fine. But and however, it acts in every other respect like a static object. Running into it doesn't move it, it won't fall (and I have defined the havok mesh correctly, I've checked, and the "pick up weapon" cursor only appears directly ON the weapon) and it just hangs there.


I've flicked through the forums (and searched, but only got people having bugs with static objects moving) and so I am left to think that this is a really silly mistake that I've made. Anyone got any ideas? (How many places in nifskope do I have to set static to weapon? I've seen two or three... are there more?)


Thanks in advance.

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You can basically do one of three things

Easiest: install BLender, PYFFI, Blender Nifscripts, and just import and then export with no changes to the mesh and select weapon. that'll just nicely fix it.

Hardest: you can attempt to set all the unknown ints and other things to the same as a vanilla... just changing the layer from static to non-static isn't enough unfortunately.

Lamest: you can copy the colision out of a vanilla weapon and have collision that doesn't fit your weapon exactly but works.

Or if you can't get blender working, if you give me a link to the sword it's a couple seconds for me to fix that.

Pacific Morrowind

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Holy cow, a response! O.o Three days and counting, xD I was beginning to wonder if anyone read this forum.


Thanks for your help, mate. I actually tried the harder option first (Typical, huh?) since it was the only one I thought of at first.

Then I tried the lame one... xD As if to make up for that it failed completely and my weapon turned purple - it lost the ability to find textures.


I'll try the blender idea now. I forgot completely about that function! Gracias!

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