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duplicating items


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Im trying to duplicate an item in my game for my companions by using the console. the instructions I read earlier said that I needed to drop the item then pick it up. then open console and type in .player inv but whenever I do that the return message says something about compile and run then says player not found. could anyone tell me how to open up inventory in order to get item ids.



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Im trying to duplicate an item in my game for my companions by using the console. the instructions I read earlier said that I needed to drop the item then pick it up. then open console and type in .player inv but whenever I do that the return message says something about compile and run then says player not found. could anyone tell me how to open up inventory in order to get item ids.




The item ID in game doesn't usually corrospond to the item code you need. What items do you want? I suggest downloading the GECK, since it's easy to find the item codes in there.

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Well, first you download FO3Edit, extract it to where you want it (I just leave it on the desktop, personally), and launch it. When you launch it, 2 windows should pop up, one of FO3Edit itself, and another listing the mods that you have installed, with boxes to select or unselect mods for FO3Edit to load. I suggest just hitting "OK" without going and checking off boxes, as it automatically updates with your mod load order.


FO3Edit will then load the .esms and .esps that you have loaded, and they will appear in a list, descending in load order and with the names of the .esm and .esps. Click on the box with a plus symbol (should look like [+]) that is next to the .esp for the Colossus Headgear. It should then bring down a list with some categories with more [+] boxes next to them, which are the categories for whatever the mod adds. Since you're looking for the helmet, which falls under "Apparel", click on the [+] next to Apparel. It will then list all of the individual pieces of apparel that the mod adds and/or modifies. You should be able to find one marked "Colossus Headgear" and see the code on the same line as it. Copy down the code onto a piece of paper or something, launch FO3, then

player.additem x y

in the console, where x is the code of the item, and y is the amount of the item that you want.


Hope that helps, sorry if it's a bit too much text.

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