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Leftover armor mesh? No clue.


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The guy who was stealing and uploading the mod onto Steam did so three times. I was just thinking he may have gotten crafty after the first time he was caught, snuck it into other mods or something. But I really have no idea. Could just be an innocent glitch, though I'm baffled as to how it came to be.


Verifying game cache also never hurts to try, unless you've cleaned your .esm's.

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  • 2 years later...

I know this is an old topic, but I figured out what was causing this on my end and figured I would put the solution here since this is one of the first pages that came up when I searched for the problem. A mod called Decent into Madness changes the Scaled and Nightingale armors to more skimpy variants. I don't know why the mod author did that instead of making the mods they took the armors from recommended or required, but disabling that mod fixed the problem on my end. Again, sorry for commenting on an old topic, but I wanted to share the solution for my problem in case anyone else has the same issue.

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