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quick question on merging meshes


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I cut off the arms of my body mesh yesterday and realize that I need the arms for this armor

Because the body and the armor over body is specially made so if I need to import another one, I will have to remake it

I am using blender


and I want to merge the arm mesh and the upperbody mesh together so that there will only be one entry in nifskope


like this:

NiTriStrips upperbody


instead of this:

NiTriStrips arm

NiTriStrips body

or this

Ninode triupperbody

-NiTriStrips arm

-NiTriStrips body


What is the button I should use?




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You can't do that in NifSkope.


If you want to do it in Blender, select the body, then press shift and click on the arms. Press ctrl+J to join them. If I were you I would also switch to edit mode and remove doubles (there is a button in the editing panel below).


Make sure there are not separate materials for the arms and body, otherwise they'll just separate again on export. Look at the materials list in the edit buttons and delete all but one.

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