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Voice actor for hire.


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Hi everyone,


If you have a well organised and ambitious mod which lacks decent voice overs, let me know.


I'm a male, with accent/tone/harshness vocal talent skills, and have a proper understanding of whats needed in voice acting, and sound quality. Contact me if you are in need of a high quality voice over actor.




PM me

Reply here

MSN me ---> emujaouianeh [at] live [dot] com ......


...with a link to your established mod on thenexus, and a description of what your mod is about, the NPC role I would be playing, and I will get back to you.


[Please note that I do take morally and socially inappropriate requests seriously, so therefore you will be reported to thenexus admin if your requests break the rules that you have agreed upon to use this site].

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"Hire" ?


You mean people "PAY" for this kind of things?


Hi Stanley_Love,


To answer your question, no. This does post does not imply that I am asking for payment, I choose to do this on a voluntary basis only, simply as a means to lend a hand in the modding community to help make a mod be as great as it can be.


Now, however, if someone were to expect payment by modders, well... that's entirely up to them if they wish to advertise to do that, and good luck to them if community modders fork out money, right?


Not my style though, I work outta love :thumbsup: .

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