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texturing Help

Gensen Vaseto

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Hey, I'm really new at using NifScope, but I have a pretty decent knowlede on how to replace textures. anyway, I'm trying to convert the textures from "Lightened Steel" to a seperate armor form, but when I attempt to test it in game, it just makes the body part dissaper, or in the case of the helmet, yellow box. I tried testing it on "Armoured Arms, and its the same thing: Fine in NifScope, screwed up in the CS or Game. I put the Textures in a directory of Data\Textures\armor\NewSteel, and then put the new Nifs in a directory of Data\Meshes\armor\NewSteel, and split it into M and F files. I guess my question is, does anyone know what I can do to fix it? its somewhere between NifScope and CS.



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