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Tomorrow, your last day on vacation...


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Oh so this is an actual question for a real vacation?


In that case, you should really REALLY just party the day away and not give a care about life for the next 24 hours. Oh yeah, but don't go too crazy and collapse after too much wine or whatnot. ;D

Haha, I agree, you're a wise person, and I hope the thread would be an eternal renewal for next times, thanks jaosals42 :biggrin:


M actual last day I was ill and had 3 broken fingers...


But if I could come up with a last day, it would be:


Wake up


Have breakfast


Check emails and forums.


Go for a run


Meet up with a couple dozen friends


Go to the park


Mess about


Come back home


Have a take away


Play a bit of FO3 or COD4


Pack bag


Go to sleep



Not very imaginative, but its fun for me...

Thanks katshy, and every thing that could be fun is good for us, sometimes the simplyest ones are the best. :cool:


I would also go into the bedroom with Callitons gf. :whistling:

*drop dead* then these "are" my last vacation, if his gf is terribly jealous, I'm going to have big trouble (Lol) ;D

:thanks: to all, your are nice.


[Edit] Sorry forget what I've said (Lol) I haven't seen: Callitons "gf", Hahaha... :woot:

... don't be afraid Calliton I'm not that kind of man. :wink:

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