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Conversion Request: Buiess Armors for HGEC


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Well, I've spent the past 5 hours trying to learn to do this myself but with no luck. Only thing I accomplished (aside from a raging headache) is that it seems you only need Nifskope to convert a model like this. Right? That's all I could really gather from the modeling tutorial with the ashtray example...


Ugh my head hurts...

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The problem with converting armors and bodies from oblivion is that they they use a different positioning then the oblivion skeleton and tend to deform, as the arms are to short as well as various other things making it a lot of work to port. Its not as simple as just "porting" the armor over. You have to re weight it and modify it to fit the skeleton as well as add all the dismember data. I'm not saying its impossible or trying to discourage you just saying this one might take a while to get picked up as their is only 3 people that i know of that have actually gotten an armor/body from oblivion working in game. I know a lot of things have been ported armor wise from other games but all of them have problems one way or another because of the above.
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