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[Help] Problems with creation of Headgear

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Hey fellow modders!


I'm currently having some problems where I'm trying to create a custom mask where the user also changes hair, I managed to make the head from the player go bald to fit the new hair but whatever I try the mask/head will not be in the right position (on his head)


After countless of hours I'm now coming here in the hope to receive some help.


Here are the current files: http://files.gamebanana.com/bitpit/skyrim.rar


The DTBMask.nif is the compiled version

The mask.nif is the plain exported one

and the Max file is a 2012 version of the setup.


So if anyone could provide me some help or information that be greatly appreciated!


Thanks in advance.

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Umm do you have an _0 and an _1 version to accommodate the weight slider? If you only have 1 then it will not sit correctly on the head.


Also import the _0 or _1 head model depending on which one you are working on and verify that your mesh is in the correct position on the head before exporting the .nif. make sure it is in that position before doing the skin as well. You may want to export as .3ds without bones then start a new scene and import the .3ds, apply the texture again (drag and drop), then import a head and position it. then redo the skin. I have had instances of the idiot nif exporter reverting changes made and exporting as .3ds cures that.

Edited by jet4571
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Umm do you have an _0 and an _1 version to accommodate the weight slider? If you only have 1 then it will not sit correctly on the head.


Also import the _0 or _1 head model depending on which one you are working on and verify that your mesh is in the correct position on the head before exporting the .nif. make sure it is in that position before doing the skin as well. You may want to export as .3ds without bones then start a new scene and import the .3ds, apply the texture again (drag and drop), then import a head and position it. then redo the skin. I have had instances of the idiot nif exporter reverting changes made and exporting as .3ds cures that.


What's that _0 and _1 version? I'm mostly copying what I notice from other nif's as I couldn't really find a proper tutorial about it. Do you perhaps know one? With the 3DS Thing I mostly did that with OBJ and also reset my privet like I mostly do but the problem in this case is that as far as I think is a weighted problem. As one strand of the hair is at the top but the rest is inside his belly if you can picture that.
If I might ask, mind giving it a try?
Edited by RafaelDeJongh
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_0 and _1 versions are low weight and high weight. If you put the weight slider all the way to the left when creating your character you will be at 0 weight and use the _0 model. If you slide it all the way to the right you will be at 100 weight and use the _1 model. The 2 models are the high and low end of the weight spectrum. When you have the weight slider someplace in the middle the game will morph one of the models by that amount so it fits the weight. If you do not have an _1 and an _0 the game cannot morph the model to fit the weight because it does not have a morph target and will not fit in the game.


I believe you have a vertice weight issue as well as not having the 2 required models, That's rather easy to do. Export the model as a .3ds without bones like I suggested. start a new scene and import the .3ds. Reapply the texture by dragging and dropping from the materials library(if the texture is not there drag and drop it into the material library first). Now import a hair nif file that is as close as the one in your model as possible and include the bones. Once that is imported select your model and in the modifiers find and select Skin Wrap.


Once you have Skin Wrap in the modifier list attached to your mesh check the weight all points checkbox and have Vertex deformation for the deformation engine. Next you click the Add button under the empty box and in one of the windows showing the models click on the hair you imported with the skeleton that has a skin modifier. Wait for it to do its thing, it may take a while. Now under the weight all points checkbox hit the Convert to Skin button. That creates a Skin modifier that should be very close to correct.


Open the Skin modifier the Skin Wrap created and hit the Edit Envelopes button and check the Vertices box below it. Now you select one of the bones in the box within the modifier while looking at the model. You are looking for Vertices that are weighted to a bone incorrectly such as a solo one that is colored red surrounded by others that are not weighted. If you find any that are unusual select it and weight it the same as those around it by changing the number in the Abs. Effect: box in the Weight Properties section of the Skin modifier. You can do groups of vertices by selecting more. You can switch back and forth between the imported hair and your model to compare the vertices weights.


Once you think you have all the Vertices weighted correct for all your mesh add the Bsdismemberment modifier and an Edit Mesh modifier above the Skin modifier, delete the imported hair and export the mesh to Nifskope and do the Nifskope steps. Don't close Max, you now import the head for the morph target. If you made the _0 version import the _0 head. Now select your model and choose the Edit Mesh Modifier and scale your model as little as possible to remove clipping from the head. Or if you are making an _0 you scale it down just enough so it fits the head. Make sure you DO NOT DELETE OR ADD VERTICES when doing this step. Once you think it looks good delete the imported head and export the mesh and do nifskope stuff.


It should then be correctly weighted for the game and have both the required models now.


*Edit, Sorry I should've checked. Helmets and hairs do not require an _0 and an _1 model, the heads don't morph. But you could use that info to make the helmet and hair for the opposite sex. Gah I need to verify things before giving really bad advice lol.

Edited by jet4571
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Just spent hours without any result, I've normally done everything you said correctly but now it doesn't even appear in-game at all.


I'm out of ideas to get this to work, do you mind giving it a look yourself? Here are the latest files: http://files.gamebanana.com/bitpit/maskhei.rar


Thanks in advance if you're willingly to look into this matter.

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I finished and now you have textures for it... Lol no worries just set the textures in the nif files. MaskExport.nif is what 3ds exported. Has an esp with the armor and armor addons that I used for the test if that helps you any. and _0 and _1 versions just incase the game wants those or not.


*edit, also has setup2a.max so you can see it in max.

Edited by jet4571
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I finished and now you have textures for it... Lol no worries just set the textures in the nif files. MaskExport.nif is what 3ds exported. Has an esp with the armor and armor addons that I used for the test if that helps you any. and _0 and _1 versions just incase the game wants those or not.


*edit, also has setup2a.max so you can see it in max.


Very strange, that setup looks almost identical to what I had, so I really wonder what I was doing wrong? Another question though: How do I assign different textures to the hair? As it currently is one part in the nif and the texture exists out of two parts (hairside & hairtop).


Well I'll be going over the max file and see what I did wrong! Thanks for the help!

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Before you proceed try renaming your nif to the same as the ones I sent you. just duplicate it for the _0 or _1. then add my test esp and go to solitude and outside the blue palace is someone wearing the mask. the folder I had them in inside the .zip was inside the meshes / armor folder. you can verify in the CK to see if you get the missing mesh warning symbol if you check the armor addon. If the NPC wears your mesh then you didn't do anything wrong with it but it was an issue in the armor or armor addon like I had with not having the race that can use it properly set.


Every mesh has 1 texture set. you cant have 2 or more textures for the same mesh. If you did use 2 textures then you will need to redo the hair UVW to use only 1. I did separate the mask and the hair in Max so it makes 2 NiTriShapes.


The nif I imported the nitrishapes was one of the dragon priest masks that had 2 nitrishapes. if you separate the hair into 2 parts then you will need to have a vanilla mesh with 3 nitrishapes or figure out how to add a third(beyond me).




Im doing another revision of it. I did the UVW for the hair, you had plenty of room to merge the uvw. Ill include the UVW render so you can modify the texture to fit.

Edited by jet4571
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