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Need a walkthrough, DMC Stylish, Seph dual wield animation.


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So can someone tell me step by step how to make DMC Stylish and Seph dual wield animations work together?


DMC Stylish - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16459

Seph's Dual wield Animation - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16679


And this is the "offhand" mod I use, which seems to be able to let you wield custom weapons as offhand by making a duplicate.

- http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=18297



I also downloaded MAO, that animation overhaul mod. All 4 of these are waiting to be installed, but I don't really know how to install MAO and make it work for DMC and Seph to work together. My friend tried explaining but he explained more on how it worked, rather than how to install it in layman's terms.


I recalled him mentioning about using DMC Stylish's one handed animations and then Seph's dual wield animations together. So does that mean I don't need sword dancer from DMC Stylish?

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You could try unnecessary violence, which adds all the animations from seph's mods, DMC and various others and well as giving you dual wielding of any weapons where you can actually fight with the off hand weapon instead of just using it as a shield.


With UV you'll have a whole lot more attack choices than picking and choosing the animations you want from sephs and DMC and just using the basic combat engine.



Max moves possible with two weapons with the vanilla game: 6.

Max moves possible with two weapons with UV installed: 24.

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